Hi !
I have been using volumio in combination with a hifiberry DAC+ for a while now.
I tried using both the hardware volume control on the hifiberry and software controlled volume, but neither impress me much…
The hardware DAC would be best quality wise but i find it to be very jumpy in volume steps, and only the last part of the volume control works… anything below 80% just means no sound.
I have been looking at I2C volume controllers like the Ti PGA2310/PGA2311 or the Maxim DS1802 or DS1807 or something like that… The DAC would be ale to use it’s full resolution all the time. the volume sent to the amplifier would then be controlled by a low distortion analog volume controller.
Hardware wise it seems simple enough, looking at the datasheets, noise figures and such look excellent… software wise… not my strong point…
How to tell volumio/alsa to set the hifiberry volume to go for it and use the I2C chip for volume control ???
anyone ever tried this ? got it to work ? suggestions ?