I tried to upgrade my rpi zero w from 2.163 to 2.175 but after reboot I got back the old version in the UI. I tried to upgrade several times but no luck. I checked the logs and the files via ssh. It seems the upgrade was successful but the os-version file stayed the old one. I don’t exactly know how OTA works maybe one of Volumio developer can bring light to this issue.
May 17 06:28:42 bell volumio-remote-updater[459]: updateCheck
May 17 06:28:42 bell volumio-remote-updater[459]: Check for update request received.
May 17 06:28:42 bell volumio-remote-updater[459]: [ 'PRETTY_NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux 8 (jessie)"',
May 17 06:28:42 bell volumio-remote-updater[459]: 'NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux"',
May 17 06:28:42 bell volumio-remote-updater[459]: 'VERSION_ID="8"',
May 17 06:28:42 bell volumio-remote-updater[459]: 'VERSION="8 (jessie)"',
May 17 06:28:42 bell volumio-remote-updater[459]: 'ID=raspbian',
May 17 06:28:42 bell volumio-remote-updater[459]: 'ID_LIKE=debian',
May 17 06:28:42 bell volumio-remote-updater[459]: 'HOME_URL="http://www.raspbian.org/"',
May 17 06:28:42 bell volumio-remote-updater[459]: 'SUPPORT_URL="http://www.raspbian.org/RaspbianForums"',
May 17 06:28:42 bell volumio-remote-updater[459]: 'BUG_REPORT_URL="http://www.raspbian.org/RaspbianBugs"',
May 17 06:28:42 bell volumio-remote-updater[459]: 'VOLUMIO_BUILD_VERSION="d590cd4ebba5344530e741a2fc1fa2e5a104f82e"',
May 17 06:28:42 bell volumio-remote-updater[459]: 'VOLUMIO_FE_VERSION="6d07d79c9f0950e4863b18b80778e5f7f9892798"',
May 17 06:28:42 bell volumio-remote-updater[459]: 'VOLUMIO_BE_VERSION="73e606d24d1ae63b71c508d3b528a9af0fcfe467"',
May 17 06:28:42 bell volumio-remote-updater[459]: 'VOLUMIO_ARCH="arm"',
May 17 06:28:42 bell volumio-remote-updater[459]: 'VOLUMIO_VARIANT="volumio"',
May 17 06:28:42 bell volumio-remote-updater[459]: 'VOLUMIO_TEST="FALSE"',
May 17 06:28:42 bell volumio-remote-updater[459]: 'VOLUMIO_BUILD_DATE="Fri May 5 09:07:01 CEST 2017"',
May 17 06:28:42 bell volumio-remote-updater[459]: '',
May 17 06:28:42 bell volumio-remote-updater[459]: 'VOLUMIO_VERSION="2.163"',
May 17 06:28:42 bell volumio-remote-updater[459]: 'VOLUMIO_HARDWARE="pi"',
May 17 06:28:42 bell volumio-remote-updater[459]: '' ]
May 17 06:28:42 bell volumio-remote-updater[459]: No test mode
May 17 06:28:42 bell volumio-remote-updater[459]: {"version":"2.163","release":"volumio","device":"pi","test":false}
May 17 06:28:43 bell volumio-remote-updater[459]: PROGRESS: undefined,STATUS: undefined, ETA: undefined
May 17 06:28:43 bell volumio[829]: info: Update Ready: [object Object]
May 17 06:28:46 bell volumio[829]: info: Update: [object Object]
May 17 06:28:46 bell volumio-remote-updater[459]: update
May 17 06:28:46 bell volumio-remote-updater[459]: PROGRESS: 0,STATUS: Starting update, ETA: 6m
May 17 06:28:46 bell volumio-remote-updater[459]: PROGRESS: 10,STATUS: Starting update, ETA: 6m
May 17 06:28:46 bell volumio[829]: info: Update Progress: [object Object]
May 17 06:28:46 bell volumio[829]: info: Update Progress: [object Object]
May 17 06:28:46 bell volumio-remote-updater[459]: PROGRESS: 20,STATUS: Creating Backup, ETA: 5m
May 17 06:28:47 bell volumio[829]: info: Update Progress: [object Object]
20% -> 60% same 3 lines
May 17 06:29:59 bell volumio-remote-updater[459]: *
May 17 06:29:59 bell volumio-remote-updater[459]: PROGRESS: 60,STATUS: Preparing update, ETA: 3m
May 17 06:29:59 bell volumio[829]: info: Update Progress: [object Object]
May 17 06:29:59 bell volumio-remote-updater[459]: *
May 17 06:29:59 bell volumio-remote-updater[459]: PROGRESS: 60,STATUS: Preparing update, ETA: 3m
May 17 06:29:59 bell volumio[829]: info: Update Progress: [object Object]
May 17 06:29:59 bell volumio-remote-updater[459]: Read volumio_current.sqsh. Target 100.0% complete.
May 17 06:29:59 bell volumio-remote-updater[459]: PROGRESS: 60,STATUS: Preparing update, ETA: 3m
May 17 06:29:59 bell volumio[829]: info: Update Progress: [object Object]
May 17 06:30:11 bell volumio-remote-updater[459]: verifying download...checksum matches OK
May 17 06:30:11 bell volumio-remote-updater[459]: used 266256384 local, fetched 0
May 17 06:30:11 bell volumio-remote-updater[459]: PROGRESS: 60,STATUS: Preparing update, ETA: 3m
May 17 06:30:13 bell volumio[829]: info: Update Progress: [object Object]
May 17 06:30:13 bell volumio[829]: info: Update Progress: [object Object]
May 17 06:30:13 bell volumio[829]: info: Update Progress: [object Object]
May 17 06:30:13 bell volumio-remote-updater[459]: zsync done
May 17 06:30:13 bell volumio-remote-updater[459]: PROGRESS: 60,STATUS: Verifyng New Update, ETA: 2m
May 17 06:30:13 bell volumio-remote-updater[459]: PROGRESS: 90,STATUS: Finalizing New Update, ETA: 30s
May 17 06:30:13 bell volumio-remote-updater[459]: PROGRESS: undefined,STATUS: success, ETA: undefined
May 17 06:30:13 bell volumio[829]: info: Update Done: [object Object]