Update v2.539 error

I want to update to v2.536 to v2.539 and it says “System Software Integrity check failed, manually edited files were detected. System Software Update is not possible under those circumstances. Please execute Factory Reset or Delete User Data, then retry.”
I do not remember making any changes, I do not know how to do it either :slight_smile:


A quick search would lead you to: update-issue-t10588-20.html#p53399

Please help us understand where the problem is.
I prepared a script that will list which files were edited.
Please do this:

cd /volumio
wget -O - http://repo.volumio.org/Volumio2/Test-tools/listdynchanges.sh | bash

[code]volumio@sk11-zero:/volumio$ wget -O - http://repo.volumio.org/Volumio2/Test-tools/listdynchanges.sh | bash
converted ‘http://repo.volumio.org/Volumio2/Test-tools/listdynchanges.sh’ (ANSI_X3.4-1968) -> ‘http://repo.volumio.org/Volumio2/Test-tools/listdynchanges.sh’ (UTF-8)
–2019-01-24 21:02:27-- http://repo.volumio.org/Volumio2/Test-tools/listdynchanges.sh
Resolving repo.volumio.org (repo.volumio.org)…
Connecting to repo.volumio.org (repo.volumio.org)||:80… connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 200 OK
Length: 292 [application/octet-stream]
Saving to: ‘STDOUT’

  •                 0%[                      ]       0  --.-KB/s             Preparing folder structure
  •               100%[=====================>]     292  --.-KB/s   in 0s

2019-01-24 21:02:27 (4.16 MB/s) - written to stdout [292/292]

Listing modified files
Restoring folders

Spotify plugin installed otherwise untouched

Edit: The initial installation was a early MyVolumio and then upgraded from that several times

In my case:

volumio@volumio:~$ cd /volumio
volumio@volumio:/volumio$ wget -O - repo.volumio.org/Volumio2/Test-t … changes.sh | bash converted ‘http://repo.volumio.org/Volumio2/Test-tools/listdynchanges.sh’ (ANSI_X3.4-1968) -> ‘http://repo.volumio.org/Volumio2/Test-tools/listdynchanges.sh’ (UTF-8)
–2019-01-24 23:24:30-- repo.volumio.org/Volumio2/Test-t … changes.sh
Resolving repo.volumio.org (repo.volumio.org)…
Connecting to repo.volumio.org (repo.volumio.org)||:80… connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 200 OK
Length: 292 [application/octet-stream]
Saving to: ‘STDOUT’

  •                                  100%[=============================================================================>]     292  --.-KB/s   in 0s

2019-01-24 23:24:31 (12.6 MB/s) - written to stdout [292/292]

Preparing folder structure
Listing modified files
Restoring folders

and the response to the command “volumio updater restore volumio” is:

volumio@volumio:/volumio$ volumio updater restore volumio
Error, please provide the required updater action: forceupdate | factory | userdata | testmode | cleanupdate | restorevolumio

Thank you guys for the report. You helped us spot an issue in the latest development versions

Hi @Michelangelo, the same problem when trying to upgrade to V2.544.
If I restore the system, is it solved?

Hi Guys, yes the only way is to reset to factory … Sorry about that (your help was big to let us discover this bug, thank you very much)

Well … now when you go back to the factory version and update to the latest dev version, the interface restarts continuously.
Return again…