Unable to install volumio on Pi 1 B+

Can you install Volumio on the original Pi 1 B+? I could not find any separate downloads for various Pi models nor any mention of compatibility. I tried installing as per the website but I am unable to connect to the Pi. It does not appear in my router nor when connected directly to the pc via lan.
Thank you

Yes, you can install on a RPi B+ and it’s not a different image. Did you check the image checksum (md5) before flashing? Did you leave the RPI long enough on it’s first boot to complete the installation (at least 5 or 6 minutes, possibly longer)? I assume that it is connected to your router by ethernet cable?

Thank you! I had checked the MD5 but was being much too impatient. I tried again and after sometime it booted. I love the way the webradio is implemented. Very easy to search for stations.
Sadly my partners Windows phone 8.1 returns an error to upgrade browser.

Don’t know anything about Windows’ phones & the apps available, but can’t you just try different apps/browsers?