Unable to Connect to Volumio After Changing Volume Mixer


Version - Volumio 2.657
Hardware - Raspberry Pi 4
Dac - USB Denon PMA-50
Networking - Ethernet
Installed Plugins - volspotconnect2


  • I’ve been using & enjoying Volumio successfully with an external Dac (Topping DX3 Pro)
  • Switched DAC (Denon PMA-50) and no longer have volume control when using Spotify connect
  • Tried to switch volume control from “hardware” to “software”, and after restart could no longer connect to Volumio. Could only fix this by re-flashing SD card.
  • Tried again, and got an alsa error after switching to software mixer
  • Switched back to hardware mixer and again found Volumio offline and was unable to connect (tried restarting, unplugging for a while). Again only was able to fix it through reflashing.

Are there any logs or dump that I could provide to help elucidate the issue? I’m actually not sure how to grab them as I can’t connect to Volumio after the issue comes up.
