Hello everyone,
First I’d like to thank to Volumio team for tremendous work! Well done guys!
I installed Volumio 1.5 on my device and it works much better than 1.4!
- After linking a drive (sATA) to /var/lib/mpd/music the drive don’t show in the web-ui
- Volumio is booting up with “Consume Mode” ON and empty playlist
- 24bit 96 KHz playback sometimes is heavily distorted
I highly recommend a MPD client called Cantata https://code.google.com/p/cantata/ for Windows/Mac.
I can easily play music stored on mounted/linked sATA drive!
First, we create the folder where your hard drive will be mounted:
mkdir /mnt/HARDDRIVE
(or whatever you want to call it)
Now, we grant full permission to that folder
chmod -R 777 /mnt/HARDDRIVE
Now, we create a symlink into MPD music folder to our newly created one, so MPD will index this as well
first we check that the symlink is not yet enabled (link to /mnt/)
cd /var/lib/mpd/music
if you don’t see the folder HARDRIVE we actually create a symlink
ln -s /mnt/HARDDRIVE
Now, let’s see how your Hard drive is called:
fdisk -l
You should see a list, and be able to recognize your 2TB drive. Assuming is called /dev/sda1, we mount it:
mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/HARDDRIVE
Now, let’s see if it is properly mounted, and if we can see the files in it
If you can see the files, the last thing is enabling this to be mounted at boot . We add a line to fstab
nano /etc/fstab
Add this at the end (change the name with the name of your drive.
if it is FAT32
/dev/sda1 /mnt/HARDDISK vfat defaults 0 0
if it is NTFS
/dev/sda1 /mnt/HARDDISK ntfs-3g defaults 0 0
sudo apt-get install samba
Now let’s add linked SATA drive
nano /etc/samba/smb.conf
and add
comment = SATA
path = /mnt/HARDDISK
read only = no
public = yes
follow symlinks = yes
wide links = yes