Hi everyone!. I am a happy owner of Volumio installed on Raspberry pi4. Everything is connected to a 7-inch IPS display with maximum resolution 1024X600IPS. I inserted the display inside a home-built case and I turn the Raspberry on via a button. Everything works perfectly but I would like to be able to turn off the system by always pressing the same button. I looked online for possible solutions but there are at least a couple that only concern some OS releases for Raspberry. Specifically I couldn’t find anything for Volumio. Apparently, inserting the code to enable the system shutdown button into the file system does nothing. The alternative would be to write command lines in Python but from what I understand, Volumio doesn’t originally handle Python. How can I do? Is there a way other than turning it off only and exclusively through the browser? Another question. The screen resolution is too high (maximum resolution) Is there a way to run Volumio at a lower video resolution? So at this resolution the display (it’s a touch display) is practically useless. Thank you!
Have a look here;
@Wheaten Thanks! Do you know if this script can work with the Volumio version?
yes it can.
I’m trying to follow the guide but if I try to connect to Volumio from the terminal in ssh, it refuses to connect. How can I enable ssh on Volumio?
Try the help section
Wow! A thousand thanks! I’m new here on the forum and I have yet to get the hang of it!
Thanks to @Wolfman74 indication, I enabled ssh. I proceeded to download the plugin as indicated in the guide indicated by @Wheaten with the command git clone GitHub - Howchoo/pi-power-button: Scripts useful for the Pi power button. However, when I try to install the script it gives me this error:
volumio@volumio:~$ ./pi-power-button/script/install
=> Installing shutdown listener…
=> Starting shutdown listener…
Starting listen-for-shutdown.py
Shutdown listener installed.
Check out howchoo.com for more awesome Pi projects!
volumio@volumio:~$ Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/local/bin/listen-for-shutdown.py”, line 4, in
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
ImportError: No module named RPi.GPIO
I solved!!
I had to install RPi.GPIO with the command.
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install python-RPi.GPIO python3-RPi.GPIO
I tried it and it seems to work! Thank you!!!
I missed your previous reply, so I am glad you solved it yourself.
Hello, could you tell me which pins of the rpi you connected the on off button to?
thank you in advance