I have just spun up my first Volumio install in RASPI zero and I am very impressed so far but have hit a bit of an issue. I think there is a broken link in the install function of the plugins for tunein radio.
The install hangs and stays showing 10% and no error message.
Sorry. That message was confusing. What I meant to say was I could ssh into the pi and manually install the plugin but I wanted to report what looks like a bug with installing the plugin via the browser
One question to make it clear to everybody like me…
Does the normal Radio Station search now additionally use tunein as source ?
The reason why i’m asking is that there is no new version of Volumio and i do not see anything that shows me tunein is now integrated.
P.S. Please check your PM regarding the old versions…
Just checked back with v2.657 and experimental v2.659:
One of my favourite radio stations located in Costa Rica (Radio Dos) is still available if i hack back with the (well backuped tunein plugin) - but not if i use the common search function…
When will the integrated TuneIn feature be available, and ---- will it still be available for free ?
I have two rbpi 3b+ both running volumio 2.692, one still has the tunein
plugin version 1.1.0 installed. Here the tunein addon finds the station
using the search phrase mentioned above, while the other rbpi, having
only the internet radio plugin, does not find it, the search result is empty.
While playing around and comparing search results from tunein.com
(the tunein addon finds the same results compared to the website)
I would suggest that search phrases containing spaces might be
problematic for the internet radio plugin:
Searching only for “punto” finds “Radio Punto Zero Tre Venezia”…