Raspberri pi 3 B+
DAC 5122
TFT 7 inch 800x480
plugin: touch display
not the correct screen resolution; where can i change it?
please help
Raspberri pi 3 B+
DAC 5122
TFT 7 inch 800x480
plugin: touch display
not the correct screen resolution; where can i change it?
please help
The touch display plugin does not set or alter the screen resolution.
Out of interest:
What is the brand and model of your screen?
What is the resolution you get?
I’ve have the right resolution now but that’s too small to read for me. so i went back
maybe you can help me with another problem
i have the plugin touch display 1.1.2 working but when I start volumio I have to login every time.
with touch displayversion 1.1.0 this was not the case
I backed up the imgwith the old version but if i try to write it back on my sd card the imagefile is to big.
problems problems problem
what i finally want is:
volumio on my rasp 3B+ 7 inch B via touching making several playlist out of my 50.000 music files on my harddisk
and listing music throug a DAC PCM5211
I’m not a technician speak limited english
Sorry, but what do you mean with “so i went back”?
I still don’t understand why you have to login every time. Please try to describe what happens when you login.
Also please give some information if you see error messages either when Volumio starts or when you enable the touch display plugin. If there should be error messages: What do they tell?
Aside from that, if you had installed version 1.1.0 of the touch display plugin and updated to version 1.1.2, please follow these steps:
sudo rm -r /data/volumiokiosk
5. Reboot.You may then reboot once again to check if the “login problem” is solved.
P.S. What is the brand and model of your display? Are you using the original Raspberry Foundation 7" touch display?
did everything suggested
login procedure won’t skip
please where can i find touch display plugin 1.1.0 ?
Hi fpkuijpe,
I would like to help you further, but please provide some more information:
What is the brand and the model of your display and how is it connected?
Did you change the standard user (volumio) and/or the password?
When you boot Volumio: Do you only get to the command line from where you login? If so, please describe what happens after you login. Does the UI show up on your display after that? Maybe you could additionally post some screenshots showing what’s going on.
After logging in please run
systemctl status volumio-kiosk
and post the output.
Further more it could be helpful if you execute
sudo journalctl -f
and post the output in the moment you enable the plugin.
Also please give some information if you see error messages either when Volumio starts or when you enable the touch display plugin. If there should be error messages: What do they tell?
automatic login works thanks
only problem left: touch functions don’t work
touch function solved:
i had two separate power supply
one for the raspberry and one for the 7 inch display
that was not working ok
now i have one power supply connected to raspberry and the other on via USB to 7 inch display
this is working fine
everything is working now
thank you very much for your time
over and out
Thanks for reporting back!