Thanks for reporting. I think I have discovered the reason for the issue. Could you still post or PM the results of
cat /boot/config.txt
The fix for your problem will probably be part of the changes I am currently working on in order to enable the plugin to make use of the new userconfig.txt instead of boot.txt (which will preserve rotation and GPU memeory settings in case of a system update).
2019-12-03T08:53:21.532Z - info: Raspberry Pi Foundation touch screen detected.
2019-12-03T08:53:21.567Z - info: Using Xorg socket /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
2019-12-03T08:53:21.666Z - info: Backlight module of a Raspberry Pi Foundation touch screen detected.
So the screen is detected but rpiScreen is unset somewhere along the code…?
My Javascript knowledge is too poor to debug this.