Tinkerboard - Hifiberry Digi2 Pro - Volumio 3 - Possible to work?

Hello everyone,

I have a Tinkerboard S that I find particularly powerful. I’d like to replace my raspberry Pi4 with the tinkerboard.

However, I would like to be able to connect my Hifiberry Digi2 PRO card so that I can connect it to my amplifier via the optical output using a toslink cable.

I’ve read several posts on this subject but some were old and others less so… I also understood that the GPIO terminals on the tinkerboard were the same as those on the raspberry.

The DAC I2S configuration is not available in the Tinkerboard version of Volumio3.

Is it possible to plug my Hifiberry Digi2 PRO card directly into my tinkerboard? Are there any settings to be made? Do any of you have the same type of configuration?

Thanks in advance for any feedback or links to existing solutions.

As far as I know (and I was involved in getting the tinkerboard to work as a community developer), only a few PI compatible boards work with the Asus Tinkerboard S. Yours, unfortunately, is not one of them.
There is no further work for fhe tinkerboard kernel planned, so is is no chance anything will change regarding support.

Thanks a lot for feedback. I will keep my current configuration RPi4 + RPi DisplayTouch + Hifiberry DigiPro2 which satisfying myself. The idea of the tinlerboard would have been cherry on the cake !