Observed in various Volumio versions.
Subset of posts re-located from: Volumio 3 Beta test: New init for better problem tracking purposes.
Observed in various Volumio versions.
Subset of posts re-located from: Volumio 3 Beta test: New init for better problem tracking purposes.
After an hour or so playing nonstop tidal songs, sound breaks in splinters:
… not completely sure if it was a prob with my internet connection - after1-2 minutes everything was ok again.
Hey Robert,
There are quite few socket jitters which seem to be inline with your suspicion. No network drops, just process recycle. Keep an eye on this please.
It happened during the library scan of a larger network source device. Can that be a cause for these jitters?
It is inconclusive I’m afraid. Technically, network audio resources would contend for bandwidth which will be visible on low speed networks however without I/O traces and memory dump - hard to tell.
Former releases sometimes had issues with instabilities during lib scanns. Also playback of local files crashed during the scan. After scan was finished, everything was stable and working again. Shall we (not only me) run some tests while a library scan is running?
again - splinters (while scanning a large network attached souure volume):
may be important: I saw this problem while playing a 192kHz / 24bit file from Tidal.
I think this should be a separate thread to the beta testing of the new init.
I agree with @nerd, these are likely unrelated issues but need to be monitored in a separate thread. Issues with Tidal (Tidal Connect) were reported in earlier (pre new init-beta/ 3.666) releases.
please let me know how I can help solving this tricky issue.
Best regards,
Here’s a log taken during the problem.
Volumio is scanning a NAS and building up its music library. At the same time the player is not useable for tidal - it doesn’t react at all. Playback of local files does work.