Greetings, it happens to me sometimes that when I turn off my Volumio device, the Tidal source disappears from my settings, I don’t know if that happens to anyone else. Thank you
Yes, it is currently a bug. At the moment, logging out and back in into your MyVolumio account, or restarting your Volumio device, seems to be the workaround solution.
Yes, exactly, this happens to me occasionally too.
Is now a well-loved bug, restart and it’s done. I’ve already gotten used to it.
Guys can you send us a log when the issue occurs?
If it’s a bug, we gotta fix it
Send the log and paste the link here
Will do when it does.
Also, to add to the bug description, while Tidal as a source dissappears from Sources (and the playback menu), Tidal Connect seems to still work and be active / visible.
TIDAL is active on the Home page
TIDAL is active in the Sources, however I don’t see its connection panel
TIDAL is missing from the Browse window
I can’t find my Device in my TIDAL app (iOS)
as requested…today I caught the RPI 3B+/Hifiberrydac Pro2 that after booting up Tidal didn’t shine with presence and MyVolumio…Start Free Trial appeared in sources.
After a restart everything is ok again.