Tidal playlist, albums, not available from Volumio

I recently added a touch screen to my system. I couldn’t get it to work at first, long story short, I ended up reinstalling Volumio. Prior to that, I was able to stream Tidal more or less directly from Volumio, that is to say I didn’t need “Tidal Connect” to select most of my Tidal favorites and my playlist etc.

Now that I have reinstalled Volumio, I can’t get anything to play from it without using Tidal connect. I can skip to the next song, but that’s it, and even then a lot of times it just stops playing, and a lot of times I have to restart Volumio or Tidal, and a lot of times, I try to stream from Tidal connect to Volumio, and I get an error, and then “Volumio” no longer shows up as an option in “Tidal Connect” it just disappears.

Any way…any help would be appreciated. I am using an Ian Canada streamer with a RPi 5, and if you need more info I’ll provide it of course…thanks in advance.

please post a log when this is happening.


Hopefully I did that right.

disable peppymeter basic, reboot and retry

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  • Please disable Wifi
  • Correct the multiple entries for your DAC in /boot/config.txt the “dtoverlay=i-sabre-q2m” is added 3 times. Only one is needed.
#### Volumio i2s setting below: do not alter ####
#### Volumio i2s setting below: do not alter ####
#### Volumio i2s setting below: do not alter ####
  • Disable multroom
  • Disable Peppymeter basic
  • Reboot and test again.
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First of all, thank you so much, that seems to have fixed the playback from Tidal connect. As far as my playlist etc not showing up in Volumio any idea about that? Like I said it was all there before.

Which playlist do you mean? The ones you’ve created in Tidal will just show up under playlists. Unless you mean something else?

OK, so from within Volumio, I have the UI and layout design set to “contemporary” with the “menu” options on the side, and if I click on “Tidal” from there, the next window that opens under “My Music” in that drop down, I could click on Playlists, Artists, Albums, Tracks, and it would open my Tidal music that I had marked “favorites” now when I click on any of that it just says, “no items.”

As far as I know it had all populated by itself before I messed with my Volumio install when I was trying to get the 5" touch screen to work.

Incidentally, the stuff is all there in Tidal, but I could access it from Volumio before, which was pretty nice.

@DED @Darmur

Davide and Dario any idea?
I can’t reproduce this error. For me both Manifest as contemporary shows the playlist in Tidal.

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I can’t reproduce the issue me too…
@Clausen please try to logout from Tidal (Sources menu), reboot the unit, login


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Maybe this helps. I went into the Tidal menu from Volumio, and did a search for “Doobie Brothers” then tried to play a song from there and I get an error message. Hopefully this is the log for that if I am doing this right. Pretty sure this is related to the issue I am having.


Jan 08 15:17 : exception: Failed to decode; got HTTP status 404
Jan 08 15:17 : player: played ""

Jan 08 15:14:13 volumio volumio[1078]: error: Failed to execute browseSource: Bad Request
Jan 08 15:14:19 volumio volumio[1078]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: tidal , handleBrowseUri
Jan 08 15:14:19 volumio volumio[1078]: info: browseTIDALUri took 124 milliseconds

Jan 08 15:15:19 volumio volumio[1078]: STREAMING PROXY: Handling url /?data=tidal://song/68659093&soundQuality=HIGHEST_POSSIBLE
Jan 08 15:15:19 volumio volumio[1078]: info: Executing endpoint getStreamUrltidal
Jan 08 15:15:19 volumio volumio[1078]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: tidal , getStreamUrlAPI
Jan 08 15:15:19 volumio volumio[1078]: info: getStreamUrl took 295 milliseconds
Jan 08 15:15:19 volumio volumio[1078]: error: Failed to retrieve real stream URL Could not get TIDAL Stream URL
Jan 08 15:15:19 volumio volumio[1078]: STREAMING PROXY: Error: Failed to retrieve proper real streamUrl: {"success":false,"error":"Could not get TIDAL Stream URL"}

The log is full with Tidal connection errors, something is wrong with your installation.

  • Please perform a factory reset.
  • Perform the initial install of Volumio
  • Don’t install any plugin
  • Enable and login to Tidal via Sources
    And test

If it works OK, you can install plugins etc.

I tried this, and I tried a fresh install on a different SD card, still having the same problem, “failure to decode”, which I think is related to why the playlist etc doesn’t show. This log is from me trying to play Tidal “genres” .


I should mention, I can play music to Volumio from Tidal connect, but if I try to play anything on Tidal from Volumio this is the error I get, “failure to decode…”

So I’m going to make this post, because even though it’s stupid on my part, but it was an honest mistake, and it took me this long to figure it out, and so I figure since I did this someone else could do it too. So, first of all it was “user error”, but in my defense there was no obvious way for me to know what I’d done.

So first of all, I have no idea how I did this, but I have two Tidal accounts with two different emails. I was thinking about joining Quboz, so I went to login too Tidal just to confirm what I am paying, and I see on my Tidal account info, “No active subscription”, and I’m thinking, “huh, I just saw the bill on my bank account.” So I check my bank, sure enough, I just paid the bill so now I am thinking “what is going on?” Then I try my other main email, login there, and sure enough, I have an active account…so then I’m thinking, I must have logged in with the wrong email, so I log out through Volumio, and try to log back in, but the correct email popped up when I went to log back in through Volumio, which was also confusing. But then i realized Volumio is opening up a browser to login, and since I had logged in now, with the correct email, it logged me in with that one. So I logged back in with the wrong email, and indeed that was the issue.

So in short, I had logged in with the wrong email from Volumio, but obviously, the “Tidal Connect” device I was sending music to was logged in correctly.

Yes it is a little embarrassing, kind of like when you don’t have power, you check every single thing you can think of but didn’t check to make sure it was plugged into the wall…LOL.

Thanks to everyone who tried to help with this. Everything else was working great, now so is this problem.

yeah I recognize this :crazy_face:, but never going to admit it over here.
Pretty sure, your not alone in this endeavor.

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I deleted my duplicate account, in case I forget I did this and accidentally do it again in the future. :roll_eyes:

Thanks for the clarification! We see so many post ( not only here) blaming volumio even if it is an user error… :wink:

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I know how quick people are to complain, and getting a compliment is like pulling teeth some times. I own my own business and sadly, the compliments are usually just the fact they didn’t complain. But like I said also, I would have loved to find this post above, it would have saved a lot of hard ache! Although I realize the likelihood of someone doing what i did is slim, but maybe close enough. I did see some other posts about this, a couple of which were never resolved, maybe because they were too embarrassed to post it was user error also, who knows. I know this though, you got to be able to laugh at yourself that’s for sure.

Any way, you guys are doing a great job as far as I am concerned. :call_me_hand: