Tidal Hi-Res FLAC - Available (?) Now

Can you hear much of a difference anyway?
I usually just use Tidal connect unless I’m playing own library.

I prefer the native Volumio UI integration, actually. And again, it’s more about why we’re still seeing different catalogues for me. If Tidal’s apps and 3rd party OS integrations (like Volumio’s) are endpoints from a user perspective, the albums/files visible should be the same for all.

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I don’t know if this will help anyone, but I have now tested with wired ethernet connection and I can stream 24bit 192kHz tracks perfectly. It must be a raspberry pi 3b+ wifi speed limitation that was causing the issue.

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Yeah I don’t mind the volumio interface, pretty good overall. Usually just use Tidal for the ‘daily discovery’ and the algorithm is a bit better I think.


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Use RPI4B, and there won’t be an issue with WiFi.

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I’ve noticed that the album by Steven Wilson (Hand. Cannot Erase.) on Tidal isn’t in HiRes, only in 44.1 kHz 16-bit, but on Qobuz, it’s in 96 kHz 24-bit. I’d be curious to know how this is possible."

Strange, Isn’t it? With Tidal Connect this is coming 24 bit/192 khz.
No problem with Rpi 3b.
When you search and play the same with Volumio app, it is 16 bit/44.1 khz.


The album is available in 96/24 on Tidal through the official app and Tidal Connect. It’s available only in 44.1/16 through Volumio’s native integration.

As for Qobuz & Tidal, I read somewhere that the new Max FLAC Hi-res files in Tidal are the same masters that are available on Qobuz. From a logistics and record label perspective, it would make sense.

Yes; there are plenty of examples of this. Again, I wonder if this will balance out eventually and if it’s on Tidal’s side and the way they provide their catalogue to 3rd party integrations.

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Looks like I picked a good time to get into Tidal. Knew I’d been abusing my SMSL Q5 Pro by playing Spotify through the TV but never got around to setting anything better up after a house move years ago.

Only issue i’m having is no 192khz FLAC over USB, so have ordered a HiFiBerry Digi2 Pro which should apparantly solve that problem via coaxial.

Sorry for the newbie post, just wanted to share my excitement! I remember when the only way to get FLAC at all was bittorrent and the only high-resolution options were bootleg vinyl rips. Nice to see the industry finally adapting after 20 years…!

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Good morning, does anyone know if Tidal plans to make this available to others? Do they even have such plans or are we stuck with Tidal Connect?

Hi. What do you mean by available to others? If it is to uniform the Hi-Res FLAC catalog between access paths (Tidal App, Tidal Connect, 3rd Party Integrations like Volumio’s), then no idea. I just wonder if it’s a technical issue - something in the integration, or something Tidal needs to solve. Anyway, I hope the catalog is standardized soon.

it’s something Tidal needs to solve

Some update. Day by day I discover new positions which are available directly in hi-res format from Tidal directly in Volumio. Last one: Simon & Garfunkel Sound of Silence 192/24. I see the lights :grinning:

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Hello ,
I do not know if it the new version o Volumio or other but when I play music from embedded tidal în volumul , the song what is heared is behind with what is displayed on local attached display . Thanks

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It’s interesting - I see something completely different. The web interface shows simetimes the previous song when the next one is already playing. I wrote - simetimes - because after few songs all is synchronized again. And important maybe - I observe this only for Tidal playlists.

Is there a way to set Tidal on Volumio to play HiRes audio up to 96/24 bit only? Just like is possible to do on Qobuz?

I’m asking this because my sound system can handle anything beyond 96/24.

I was VERY glad to finally play HiRes audio using the Volumio plugin until the albums I wanted to hear today were all in 192hz!

With Tidal connect to volumio primo albums are 16bit/44.1 flac with Tidal hifi
But use the Tidal “asap” in volumio the same album is just 16bit/44.1 non flac.
Have anyone the same at yours and what do you experience in sound quality which is better on your system.

There is still the same problem. A lot of Tidal connect hires material is 16/44.1 when using Volumio app. This is pity because native Tidal does still have better sound quality than Tidal connect (if both have the same stream quality. If you dont’t hear the difference - good for you.). Quality issue does not concern just Volumio, e.g. Zidoo app users (some of them) seem to have the same observation.
Maybe it is time to turn to QOBUZ…

In the Tidal app can’t you just choose albums that have M or Max after it - then it will be hi-res (Flac or MQA). Guess just save the albums track you find if you listen to them regularly.

Nice if Tidal did offer more filtering options (but can always browse albums under hi-res)
I think cd quality is fine for most stuff to be honest, but 96/24 bit is welcomed. Any higher and I doubt you’d pick it, and not worth the buffering issues (I’ve changed the settings to 12MB buffer to try and help it).

ps. Any reason why ‘casting’ stops if shut down the PC with the tidal connect app playing? It doesn’t happen if close the tidal app first then shut down.