Tidal does not play

I have 3 Rasp Pi all with latest Volumio OS:

  1. Pi 2 512 mb RAM and Hifiberry DAC
  2. Pi 3A+ 512 MB RAM HIFIberry DigiAmp2
  3. Pi 4 4 GB RAM IQaudio PI amp

None of them will play Tidal. Tidal shows without issue, loads etc but when I click on play nothing happens. No error no message, nothing. Just doesn’t play.

I opened a case with support, I reflashed, I even used new SD cards and still same issue.
Youtube music , web radio, all play fine.
Also the Pi #1 and Pi #2 worked perfectly at first with tidal then one stopped being able to play it and then the 2nd one also.
3rd Pi could never play it. Again other sources have no problem playing.
In a nutshell:
Tidal connect shows up but nothing happens when you click play

I would be open to any ideas at this point.