Tidal Connect frequently stops playing. It will play part of a song, or sometimes a few songs and then stop. The pause button spins. Sometimes you can skip tracks and it will resume. Sometimes not.
I see other people mentioning the same issue. I did not use Tidal Connect on v2.x so I don’t know if this is a v3 issue.
As answer to the question, tested with 4 Albums (36 tracks)
ISP: Ziggo (Netherlands)
RpI4-8GB, Rev:1.4
DAC: NAD D3045 (USB)
Volumio: V3.209
No problems with Tidal connect from iOS.
Based in the UK, had problems playing a couple of albums and a Mood playlist via Tidal connect to a PiZero 2 with a Dragonfly Black 1.5 attached via USB.
Volumio 3
Ps audio sprout
Rasp. Pi Allo Boss 2 dac hat
Tidal connect
USA Xfinity
Gets hung up every other song. Tidal still works if I direct to play from device instead of DAC
So I have just tried setting Tidal to only play at the Normal bit rate for all songs regardless of the bit rate that seams to have solved the problem of getting stuck every other song. Although a real bummer not being able to listen at higher bit rate and paying for it.
Having the same problem - it was good this past week or so, but over the last three days its gotten to the point where tidal connect doesnt work at all…
I have been listening for 2hrs straight with no problems. So far the only fix I have found is telling tidal to only play in normal. Volumio seams to be getting hung up when tracks have different bit rates. Hope this works for you and volumio gets this solved