I have a Allo Boss player with Volumio 3.179 installed. Tidal works directly from volumio but the issue i seem to have is with Connect. Volumio will pick up the connection and a popup appears saying a device has connected, album art appears and starts to play but there just is no sound. I have restarted the system, turned off/on Tidal connect, shairport and logged off and on to Tidal, all with out success. Ive also checked volume is actually on.
I have the same issue with Tidal connect. It will randomly hang and sometimes look like it is playing but no audio. This was driving me crazy and then I tried the local app on Volumio and it hasn’t stalled once. To me, it looks like the connect app is trying to stream from my phone / tablet and not working like spotify connect works and just controll the app.
My logs are below. it hung three songs in after a reboot. I and running a Pi4 with Allo DigiOne into a Topping E50 DAC. http://logs.volumio.org/volumio/GGsb4A1.html
Thank you for your help.
Just a thought… Could it be due to a format claim to be supported by the dac but not properly implented? For example on Piano 2.1,+ Kali reclocker, S24L3 give a static noise even if should work. So maybe going through something that output an other format (S32LE) may work.
Could you explain in a more simply way for me please? Is your suggestion something I as a user can do and if so how? or is this a suggestion to Volumio?
Millsa, do you ever get sound when using connect? Mine will play and then hang randomly. I wonder if we are experiencing the same issue or something that is not related.
Spotify connect seems to be fine. I’ve not had any problems. Just tidal connect. The device appear to take control as the album art etc is pulled in. moving the volume in the app moves the volume slider on tidal app but no audio what so ever.