I have a Raspberry PI 3 B+ with a TauDAC - DM101 Card.
It works great on Volumio Release 2.729. I downloaded and set up a seperate SD Card with the 3.703 release. The system boots fine from the 3.703 card, and the Volumio app connects just fine until I hit Play. I get the Failed to Open ALSA error message. I have tried turning the 12S DAC on and OFF rebooting the device, doing a factory reset, re-imaging the card, all to no avail.
I am back running on the 2.729 release but would like to move forward with the new release if I can get this figured out.
Any advice would be appreciated.
Looks like the default kernel doesn’t support this DAC anymore.
I see the latest update from TauDAC for kernel 4.14.9s was in 2019.
Volumio runs on Kernel 6.xxx
have a look at this post:
Thank you for the information. I am still a little confused. The DAC I want to use is in the GUI, it just doesn’t work. The earlier post you referenced says to wait for the next stable release, but that was some time ago. I am confused as to the path forward.
The developer of this DAC is not maintaining the kernel driver since long time.
Without a proper kernel driver, the HAT cannot work, I think it will be removed from the list, to avoid confusion
I reached out to the DAC developer via email (info@taudac.com) and he replied that he will fix this soon.
I don’t have an ETA.
Please give him some time to fix before you remove the DAC from the list.
Thank you!
OK, good to know
The developer for TAUDAC has told me that he has fixed the issue on his end.
Assuming this is true, do I need to wait for a new release of Volumio for this to be fixed and I can use this DAC?
Thank You.
almost certain you will need a new image that includes the proper drivers
by any chance, do you know how the developer fixed the problem? uploading proper drivers on his repository?
I didn’t ask how he fixed this, and don’t really know. I haven’t tried using this Volumio/Raspberry PI device with the TauDAC. I assumed that I would have to wait for a new release of Volumio. If You would like me to seek more information, please list specific questions that I should ask and I will be happy to email the developer. Thank you.