I’ve very big issues working with a Synology NAS and I think Volumio need to pay some attention on this topic because Synology is a well known and quite widely used brand.
I was able to connect to NFS shared with the following tricks:
You have to properly set permission for the NFS share, using . as the IP
The main trick is that you need to connect to the /volumeX/share path, the simple share name does not work. The path is shown in the Synology interface
I was not able to connect in any other way,
Now the connection is green and Volumio shows that the share contains some TB of data BUT…
Any idea? Any command I can give using SSH to check how the connection is working?
These (attached pictures) are my settings to gain access to the Synology server via NFS.
I hope that helps you.
For me this worked fine. I set two NFS shares: the first with the IP-adress and the second with the hostname of the Volumio-Server to make shure that it works but normally the hostname would be enough.