Support over 300000 files

Volumio crashes when scanning many files, I have more than 400,000 files and I can’t use volumio

That’s over 2 years of music! What are you running Volumio on? Sorting a database that big might be overwhelming for some devices.

Grazie per la risposta Simone, non c’è una soluzione?
Devo rinunciare?
Sto usando Raspberry pi5 con 8Gb di ram

Thanks for the reply Simone, isn’t there a solution?
Should I give up?
I’m using Raspberry pi5 with 8GB of ram

Well you already have the most powerful Pi available, so I can’t advise further, other than some culling of files you’re never going to listen to.

I think this is not related to Volumio but to MPD that crashes.
You could test the same with MoOde, which also runs on MPD.
Unfortunately I can’t test this myself as I only have 61000 tracks

So it could be an MPD limit, not a settable parameter

I wonder of this might be a clue. This was on a Orange Pi Zero from March 2022:
MPD library limited to 16384 songs? · Issue #478 · MusicPlayerDaemon/MPD · GitHub

Here’s another mention of it: Moode Audio Player for Raspberry Pi | Page 15 | diyAudio

So maybe adding a config line:
max_playlist_length “500000”

I’m not sure if you can update mpd.conf without it getting overwritten during a Volumio update. On my system I find two mpd.conf files: /etc/mpd.conf; /static/etc/mpd.conf

Anybody know if it will be overwritten and which file to update?

If you do get it running, I’d be curious to hear if the system responds well to commands. Good luck.