Suggest a Feature Collection

So many suggested Features …
I tried to list them for a better overview:

Implemented Suggestions:

[i]- Changing the Name of Volumio in the WebUI

  • Welcome Sound when Volumio booted
  • Advanced Shutdown (Pressing the shutdown button -> Player stop -> MPD stop -> Device stop)
  • Changelog for every Device in the forum (because many people wanna know why they should upgrade their well running system)
  • “Currently Listen to” Feature
    • -> Facebook
    • -> Twitter
  • Playlist:
    • -> Clear whole Playlist
  • Library:
    • -> Option to disable
  • Support for:
    • -> Spotify
  • Add a Radio Station over the WebUI

I will add new suggested features, please post them as an extra thread!
Last update: 09.07.2015

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is it possible to add bluetooth remote controller to volumio?

Superstar customer should unlock color themes, my suggestion is use a name of a song that will make it more music like instead of green, red, blue. Since the main purpose of Volumio is to enjoy music.

Volumio — Standard Color

These colors are named after popular 60-80’s Songs.

Baby Blue — Nice Blue Color
Purple Rain — Nice Purple
Crimson & Clover. — Deep Red Color
Mellow Yellow — Yellowish Color
White Rabbit. — White Color
Fields of Gold. — Gold Color
Orange Crush. — Orange Color
Brown Sugar. — Light Brown
Green River — Darkish Green

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Please add Genre search to Qobuz. This would be my #1 complaint. Thank you for your consideration.

Alphabetic sorting of Qobuz lists (currently shown as date added with no option to change)

It’s nice when the different sorting options are possible in Volumio. Also for favorites in all music services like Qobuz, Tidal Spotify, local flacs etc.

My Spotify playlists are getting too long to be fully displayed in the web UI (truncated after X items). It would be nice if one could load playlists in reverse order, so you would always be able to load the latest X items that have been added to the list. Not sure if the Spotify API supports this, otherwise I perhaps should send this feature request to Sweden :thinking:


Great feature would be set a timer for music (like alarm) and stop music (like sleep timer)

Like for example, my alarm plays at 6.00AM, I’m leaving for work at 07.00AM so if my alarm would stop at 7.00AM that saves me opening the app and stopping the music before going to work…
I would have another alarm at 5.00PM so music would be playing if I enter my home and start cooking :grin:


Not the cleanest solution, but it will do the trick.
create a cronjob for it and execute: /usr/local/bin/volumio toggle

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install cron
crontab -e
# Start playing at 06:00 on weekdays
0 6 * * 1-5 /usr/local/bin/volumio play  
# Stop playing at 07:00 on weekdays
0 7 * * 1-5 /usr/local/bin/volumio pause
# Start playing at 17:00 on weekdays
0 17 * * 1-5 /usr/local/bin/volumio pause

you can also use stop if your playing a radio station

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would love to be able to boot from SSD instead of SD card

I nice surprise would be the option to search for „years“ I.e 1984, 2012. any chance?
Thx for Volumio


But for now I installed moode audio in my bedroom…

Still want this feature on volumio tho :wink:


Now the raspberry pi 5 is announced, are there plans to release an update for it?

I pre-ordered one and it would be amazing if Volumio will support it.

So I hope there will be an update soon for raspberry pi 5.

Yours sincerely,


Volumio first needs to get it’s hands on a rPi5 and see what the impact is. Then they can make a plan for it.
I pre-ordered one too but it’s a overkill to run Volumio on.
(5A, Mandatory fan,…)

This is the first RPi I might actually like, but a fan on an audio device? Definitely a no-go for me. I’ll pre-order one anyway in the hope for a good passive-cooling accessory, which no doubt will be available at some point soon.

Hello to all,

Any news on „most recenty added“ music and crossfade feature ?