Hi all,
I decided to bring music (tidal streaming) to every room in my apartment a few years ago. I got tired of carrying and plugging my tablet all the time and after some “googling” and forum reading, here I am. So far rPi+digi/dac and volumio are working nicely. I still carry the tablet around to control it most of the time (except when I am near a computer since that works too), but no need to plug the cable anymore and I can have music in all my rooms at the same time.
I like the tidal integration very much, would be even better if it could be more exactly like the original app, but it is quite usable as it is. I also really like myvolumio for controling my 4 rPi’s. I bought the android app, installed it on my tablet and tried to install it on my phone as well, but it appears I have to buy another copy? The app seems to be a bit unstable, after some time, the buttons and text changes gest kind of corrupted, but it still works. Not sure if this is related to my tablet or a general thing.
I have a couple of questions, and perhaps requests as well, regarding multi room playback. I like the ability to have separate queues for devices, but at least for me it would be really nice if it be possible to transfer and/or copy current play queue between devices (perhaps even integrate some automation through hassio/AI/cloud to make this seamless). Also will it be possible to sync playback between devices?
Best regards,