squeezelite multi room

Hello board,
I’m using Volumio on raspberry pi 3 with DAC, installed squeezelite and want to use it either directly or via LMS.
While playing around with my squeezelite config, I found a description how to setup two independent mono channels on 1 sound card using asound.conf. Which fits perfectly for my scenario (I’ve got two mono speaker from different rooms connected).
And here are my questions:

  • that multi room config requires 2 instances of squeezelite to be started. works fine from command line. but I’d like to start and stop them through volumio plugin web page. Where is the script that gets called when switching the squeezelite plugin on/off? Can this be replaced to call another script instead?
    -In order to be able to use squeezelite and volumio at the same time, I’d like to configure volumio to use a virtual soundcard configured in asound.conf. Is that possible? how?

this is how my /etc/asound.conf looks like

pcm.snd_card {
    type hw
    card 1
    device 0

pcm.dshare {
 type dmix
 ipc_key 2048
 slave {
  pcm "snd_card"
  channels 2

pcm.room1 {
 type plug
 slave {
  pcm "dshare"
  channels 2
 ttable.0.0 1
 ttable.1.0 1

pcm.room2 {
 type plug
 slave {
  pcm "dshare"
  channels 2
 ttable.0.1 1
 ttable.1.1 1

pcm.both {
 type plug
 slave {
  pcm "dshare"
  channels 2
 ttable.0.0 1
 ttable.1.0 1
 ttable.0.1 1
 ttable.1.1 1


No answer for you, but if Saiyato (plugin author) doesn’t see this here, you might raise it as an issue on Github github.com/Saiyato/volumio-squeezelite-plugin


The first question is quite simple to answer, I’m not ‘really’ running a script to (re)start Squeezelite. When installing I create a (systemd) unit file and use that to control the daemon. So what I do when you start/stop the plugin is systemctl start|restart|stop squeezelite.

Your second question has a good point, but a virtual soundcard and configuring that is beyond me I’m affraid. So I can’t help you with that at this moment. But if you provide me with the info to enable/disable/configure it I can try to incorporate it in the plugin.