New to this forum, so please forgive me if I’m posting this in the wrong place.
I’m connecting to Volumio 3.779 using Spotify plugin 4.1.1 on Raspberry Pi.
All working okay except the next track starts around a second before the current track ends.
Most the time this isn’t a problem. But it is noticeable where one track should blend into another. Beatles White Album / Sargent Pepper / Abbey Road are good examples, or Pink Floyd The Wall.
There are no settings such as cross fade that can be disabled.
Any ideas anyone? Or is there somewhere I can report it as a bug?
I’d be happy to look through the source code myself if I can get a link to that.
Just to say - in case anyone comes across this question - that this issue is fixed with changing over to the revised go-librespot code from @devgianlu
HUGE THANKS to @devgianlu
I’m also running Volumio 3.779 on a Raspberry Pi 4 and had similar issues with Spotify plugin 4.1.1. I was completely frustrated and thinking about giving up on Volumio. However, I recently tried uninstalled the latest Spotify plugin and reinstalled an older version, 4.0.3, and it’s been working with out issues. FYI: to choose a different version, go to Plug-ins, Music Services, and locate Spotify. Click the Details button (not the Install button). You will be presented with a choice of five versions. I went with version 4.0.3 (stable).
Thanks for the suggestion. You’re right, I don’t recall this being a problem in earlier versions. I could have rolled back to a previous release, however I think that the @devgianlu go-librespot is more robust overall. Certainly the fixes he lists are impressive!
Replacing the old go-librespot in /usr/bin with this one.
That didn’t work out of the box. It needs some configuration.
Edit /bin/ to just run /usr/bin/go-librespot without any further command line arguments (such as -config_path)
After restarting the Pi, you should have a ~/.config/go-librespot directory created by the new library (if not, you can create it).
In there:
a) copy credentials.json from the old library, which is stored in /data/configuration/music_service/spop/spotifycredentials.json
b) if there isn’t a config.yml, create one by taking the text from /tmp/go-librespot-config.yml (or copy it and rename to config.yml).
c) within ~/.config/go-librespot/config.yml
make sure zeroonf_enabled is true
set credentials to type zeroconf, and persist the credentials. like this:
zeroconf_enabled: true
type: zeroconf
persist_credentials: true
Reboot the Pi, and you should see that the daemon starts and it all works. If not, look in journalctl. If you have problems, I’d suggest changing config.yml log_level to trace. It might give some pointers.
I feel my current setup is more resilient to network dropout than the official Spotify plugin. Plus it plays linked tracks at the end of an album. So I’ll stick with what I have now it’s working (not broke = don’t fix!)
Omg….@balbuze If ONLY you’d said that you had released a Beta version!!!
I didn’t realise this from your message. In fact I didn’t know until yesterday how to even access beta plugins.
I’ve just wasted a week banging my head against the volumio wall, to finally get to a stable working solution, and then to realise there’s a beta thread where it works with the latest go-librespot.
I’m posting this here in case anyone else hits the same problem as I did.
Go to [your volumio up address] / dev and enable test plugins. Then on the install, click on Details, not Install, and install the latest (currently beta) version.
Thanks for doing this beta release @balbuze - I just WISH I’d realised sooner what you were actually saying.