I’m using volumio 2.041 on a rPi2 with Hifiberry DAC+ and rPi0 with pHAT DAC. Both installs have issues with playing spotify.
The rPi2 can play Spotify with sound but is suffering from buffering issues so it seems (100/100Mbit Ethernet connection on a 100/100 Viber internet connection). Streaming from Synology NAS and WebRadio works flawless.
The rPi0 can play Spotify but without any sounds (unable to hear buffer-underruns…) and the playlist is not emptied when I choose a song from my NAS to be played opting for ‘Clear and Play’ when a spotify song was playing (reboot resolves this). Streaming from Synology NAS and WebRadio work flawless.
What can/should I do?