I have install Spotify plug-in and login to my Spotify account successfully. but after I try to browse to Spotify content, it take some time to load and nothing show up in the window. What did I do wrong?
This is what the problem look like. https://streamable.com/hd1ctb
Mine is RPI 3b+ with latest Volumio version (2.882).
Well certainly your screenshot shows us nothing of any use. Do your Spotify playlists etc. eventually show? Do you have a ‘Spotify’ source displayed on the left hand side of the browser?
Nothing show after that, just only blank screen like that.
Yes, I have Spotify source on the left side. and I try to go through that. but it only show the loading bar and nothing show on the right hand side. as the attached.https://streamable.com/gn52kc
Could you reboot, wait for everything to load, then repeat what you did (to reproduce the issue)
and send some logs so one of the devs can take a look?
I have tried to re-flash the new Volumio several time, tried many problem possibility eg. logout every Spotify in other device before setting the Volumio Spotify plugin etc.
the problem still present.
Are you able to use ssh.?
You can then set the date to 2021, which would probably fix your certificate issues.
You might also have a DNS resolution issue. Try setting your DNS to or in Settings>Network tab, and reboot to see if ntp works and the time is automatically updated?
I have the same problem. Spotify is installed and can be found on the left in the row at web radio. However, when I open Spotify, nothing is shown.
Anyone any idea??
Here is the log file: http://logs.volumio.org/volumio/P8YpYci.html
But is there a solution for this?
I have (and had) volumio restart several times. Now also rebooted a few times with the Spotify plug-in uninstalled. But still these two endpoints continue to fail.
This looks like the same problem I have. I have volumio 2.861 using the RaspDac image from audiophonics. I installed the spotify plugin - entered credentials, logged in and got the authorize link - authorized it on the spotify web-site link and it went back to volumio - there was no acknowledgement in volumio that it was authorized though - just a Logout button. I then went into the browse - spotify to see a blank screen
from the log the difficulty is apparent - the spotify authorisation seems to be the problem:
Nov 30 10:56:02 volumio volumio[968]: info: An error occurred while listing Spotify featured playlists WebapiError: Unauthorized
Nov 30 10:56:02 volumio volumio[968]: info: An error occurred while listing Spotify new albums WebapiError: Unauthorized
Nov 30 10:56:02 volumio volumio[968]: info: An error occurred while listing Spotify categories WebapiError: Unauthorized
Following this thread and others I figured it might be a timezone thing so I changed it to Pacific/Auckland and being updated by ntp, I have:
volumio@volumio:/data/plugins/system_controller/audiophonicsonoff$ date
Tue Nov 30 11:06:11 NZDT 2021
which is correct. I also have RaspDacDisplay running which had set the timzone to Europe/Paris so I changed it to Pacific/Auckland too
Adjust this setting to localize the time display to your region
I have rebooted, reneabled, re-entered credentials and authorized many times…
But still no joy Appreciate any thoughts
volumio@volumio:~/RaspDacDisplay$ timedatectl
Local time: Tue 2021-11-30 13:58:38 NZDT
Universal time: Tue 2021-11-30 00:58:38 UTC
RTC time: n/a
Time zone: Pacific/Auckland (NZDT, +1300)
NTP enabled: yes
NTP synchronized: yes
RTC in local TZ: no
DST active: yes
Last DST change: DST began at
Sun 2021-09-26 01:59:59 NZST
Sun 2021-09-26 03:00:00 NZDT
Next DST change: DST ends (the clock jumps one hour backwards) at
Sun 2022-04-03 02:59:59 NZDT
Sun 2022-04-03 02:00:00 NZST
How can I check the certificate/authorisation from Spotify?
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: appearance , getUiSettings
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: wizard , getShowWizard
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , getShowWizard
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , getPrivacySettings
info: An error occurred while refreshing Spotify Token Error: certificate has expired
I am wondering if my Spotify account is not set up as in New Zealand - although it shows as New Zealand - it was previously a free account that I have upgraded based on a free trial … it’s not going well!!! I will contact Spotify support to be sure
Spotify confirms my account is set up as being in NZ … so the certificate should be issued with dates/times relevant to NZ