Please explain, oder bitte erklär mal Deine Schlussfolgerung.
I saw 44.1/16bit
Just noticed that you can’t reply to the originator of the topic directly.
So, my post was pointed at Karl-Heinz, no one else.
Spotify hat im Februar angekündigt, Spotify Hifi mit CD-Qualität (CD-Qualität = 44,1/16 bit = 1411,2 kbps) herauszubringen.
Seit dem kam keine weitere Aussage zu dem Thema. Die Preise fĂĽr das Abo standen noch nicht fest.
Zwischenzeitlich haben Apple, Amazon und Tidal preisgünstige Abos mit Lossless-Qualität vorgelegt, so dass Spotify keine allzugroßen Preissprünge machen kann.
Ich vermute (hoffe), dass Spotify die bestehenden Abos, ohne weitere Kosten, auf CD-Qualität upgradet. Als Weihnachtsgeschenk.
Google translate:
Spotify announced in February that it would be releasing Spotify Hifi with CD quality (CD quality = 44.1 / 16 bit = 1411.2 kbps).
Since then there has been no further statement on the subject. The prices for the subscription have not yet been determined.
In the meantime, Apple, Amazon and Tidal have presented inexpensive subscriptions with lossless quality, so that Spotify cannot make huge price jumps.
I suspect (hope) that Spotify will upgrade the existing subscriptions to CD quality at no additional cost. As a Christmas present
Please, in English
no, Spotify has always been offering music in 44/16 format. It does not mean that it is hifi sound. When software such as Spotify plays a stream, it is converted into the 44/16 format. You can have both low and high quality streams decoded into the 44/16 rate. Where 44kHz is the sample rate, and 16 is the so called bit depth.
what is important in streaming audio, is the so called bit rate, e.g. 96kbps (kilo bits per seconds), 190kpbs, 320kbps, 1000kbps etc.etc. In general, for the same encoding method (MP3, MP4/AAC, etc), the higher that number, the better the quality, i.e. the closer the decode file on playback matches the original source file (assuming the same sample rate and bit depth).
Spotify Hifi is Spotify’s answer to high quality streams fromother providers. If I understood and remember correctly, Spotify Hifi will be a so called lossless streaming service, meaning the decode playback will exactly resemble the original source files. If that is really a big benefit, is the subject of heated debate.
Aha, vielen Dank für die Erläuterung.
Mir ist es auch relativ egal. Bei einem Hörvergleich zwischen Tidal und Spotify, mit maximaler Qualitätsstufe, konnte ich keinen Unterschied heraushören.
Das kann an meinem Alter (54) liegen oder an meiner Hifi-Anlage (Pro-Ject DS-Serie, Nanosound one und Scamo15).
Google translater:
Aha, thank you for explaining.
It does not matter to me. With a hearing comparison between Tidal and Spotify, with maximum quality level, I could not hear a difference.
That can be at my age (54) or at my hi-fi system (Pro-Ject DS series, Nanosound One and Scamo15).