Spotify connect when streamed from Macbook

I noticed some strange behaviour of Spotify Connect on RPi 4:

  1. If I try to stream from Spotify on a Macbook Air M1 to Volumio on RPi4 through Spotify Connect, it failed. No visible error. Song just stopped. When SSH into Volumio and do a journalctl, error is “No Device blah blah blah”

  2. If I stream from Spotify on iPhone to Volumio on RPi4 through Spotify Connect, it went well. Then I cut the connection between iPhone and Volumio, and try streaming from the Macbook Air M1 to the same Volumio on RPi4, it can stream the song fine now.

  3. If I stream a song in Spotify to the same Volumio on RPi4 with Spotify Connect, the song became cracked at high pitch, also with crackling sound.

  4. If I stream a song in Spotify to the same Volumio on RPi4, this time with AirPlay, no crackling sound, song played fine.

Anyone has any ideas?

Could you share some logs?

Either a link to a full debug log or a quick snippet from the /dev page using the livelog feature or via ssh.

# Volumio logs
journalctl -f 
# vollibrespot logs
journalctl -f -o cat -u volspotconnect2.service

Note you might need sudo before these commands depending on the version of Volumio your running

Relevant events start somewhere at Feb 25 13:50

I’m having the same issue. Fail with Spotify Connect on Mac mini M1 (MacOS 12.1), works fine with iPhone 13 (iOS 15.1.1). Once the session is established, the desktop version says “Listening on Volumio” and I can control the music from the desktop. :confused: