Sparky and Volumio

Just to report some test I have done with Sparky SBC and Volumio 2.029

  • Maybe some problems are general and not only for Sparky -
    In fact the first problem is about wifi setting.
    I use a rt8188 usb dongle.
    Hotspot does not work as expected. But with a ethernet cable, if I go in network setting from webUI, I can see a hospot and I can see my wifi network. But wifi is disabled. If enabled and save refresh the page and it remains disabled. I opened a console with sudo journalctl -f and it stops for about 20 sec when something is save in network setting. If I enter my wpa passphrase and connect, same thing, wifi is retarted but no connection. ifconfig shows no change in connection. In other words, wifi can’t be configured and used even if dongle seems to work (as I can see network)
    sudo journalctl -f give every second :

Nov 19 16:05:47 volumio-sparky kernel: temp:48 Nov 19 16:05:48 volumio-sparky kernel: owl_i2c: owl_i2c_fifo_irq(): [i2c1] no ACK, fifostat 0x10013 Nov 19 16:05:48 volumio-sparky kernel: gsl_ts_read set data address fail! Nov 19 16:05:48 volumio-sparky kernel: owl_i2c: owl_i2c_fifo_irq(): [i2c1] no ACK, fifostat 0x10013 Nov 19 16:05:48 volumio-sparky kernel: gsl_ts_read set data address fail! Nov 19 16:05:48 volumio-sparky kernel: ======int_1st: 0 0 0 0 , int_2nd: 0 0 0 0 ====== Nov 19 16:05:48 volumio-sparky kernel: owl_i2c: owl_i2c_fifo_irq(): [i2c1] no ACK, fifostat 0x10013 Nov 19 16:05:48 volumio-sparky kernel: gsl_ts_read set data address fail! Nov 19 16:05:48 volumio-sparky kernel: owl_i2c: owl_i2c_fifo_irq(): [i2c1] no ACK, fifostat 0x20013 Nov 19 16:05:48 volumio-sparky kernel: owl_i2c: owl_i2c_fifo_irq(): [i2c1] no ACK, fifostat 0x10013 Nov 19 16:05:48 volumio-sparky kernel: gsl_ts_read set data address fail! Nov 19 16:05:48 volumio-sparky kernel: ------gslX680 test_i2c error------ Nov 19 16:05:49 volumio-sparky kernel: temp:49 Nov 19 16:05:50 volumio-sparky kernel: owl_i2c: owl_i2c_fifo_irq(): [i2c1] no ACK, fifostat 0x10013 Nov 19 16:05:50 volumio-sparky kernel: gsl_ts_read set data address fail! Nov 19 16:05:50 volumio-sparky kernel: ======read 0xb0: 0 0 0 0 ====== Nov 19 16:05:50 volumio-sparky kernel: owl_i2c: owl_i2c_fifo_irq(): [i2c1] no ACK, fifostat 0x10013 Nov 19 16:05:50 volumio-sparky kernel: gsl_ts_read set data address fail! Nov 19 16:05:50 volumio-sparky kernel: owl_i2c: owl_i2c_fifo_irq(): [i2c1] no ACK, fifostat 0x20013 Nov 19 16:05:50 volumio-sparky kernel: owl_i2c: owl_i2c_fifo_irq(): [i2c1] no ACK, fifostat 0x10013 Nov 19 16:05:50 volumio-sparky kernel: gsl_ts_read set data address fail! Nov 19 16:05:50 volumio-sparky kernel: ------gslX680 test_i2c error------

edit : now and I don’t know why hotpsot is active ! But ethernet cable is still plugged. I’m going to reboot without ethernet…

edit 2 : after reboot without ethernet cable, nothing. No more hotpsot…

Sorry we did not see this post…from now on we are regularly checking here.

Anyway we are checking your issue…

We are working on the issue , Michelangelo will update soon.

Thank you
As my previous usb dongle based on rt8188 I bought a new dongle EDIMAX. And I’m a bit disappointed as it don’t work better… Can’t connect my network even I see it, no hotspot… volumio 2.030 for sparky
I 'm going to test it a rpi

edit : works with rpi (hotspot + wifi connection)

New image today: …

I see where the problem is:
wireless connects fine, but it receives a nonsense ip (not in the same subnet) so it can’t connect…
I think at this point that we want to compile every wireless driver into it…

OK, no more new platforms until this issues has beene resolved :slight_smile:
I see reports not just from sparkysbc, but also pine64 and cubox.
After verifying, my C2 seems to have an issue too, though I’m sure we tested this before and it was working before it was released.
I really wonder if it is only a driver issue and therefore will help testing this.

Hi ,

wifi dongles on linux have some bugs. On Sparky we are using Unbuntu …so whatever works on RPI might now work on Sparky.

What I will do is send you free of charge our WIFI card…whats your order number ?

Forgot to put my name in :wink:
No need for a dongle, I have an interest in getting this solved for sparky but also other platforms.
I tested the sparky image when Michelangelo and I first started.
I used an Atheros ath9_htc and Realtek 8192cu, which both worked.
Interesting are not only the ones that work but also the exact types of the ones which don’t.


good news ! with the last image 2.030 the edimax creates a hotspot :smiley: ! I’ m going to configure wifi and also test my other adapter. I keep you in touch :wink:

lastest news
With EDimax I connected to Volumio and configured wifi, saved and scanned my network but no new device. Rebooted, no more hotspot and no device on my network :frowning: . Maybe I entered a wrong password… But now I can’t access the device. I’m going to plug a ethernet cable. But how it should behave when a wifi connection failed ? Will it fall back to hotspot ?

with ethernet cable plugged, hotspot is now active…I can see it in network setting (plus wired connection) and of course on my network.
I checked the password and it is ok.
Clic connect, refresh the page, no more hotspot and no wifi connection.
After several tries, nothing better.
I disabled the hotspot. Refresh the page and now the only connection is wireles with a ip out the range : . should be something like 192.168.0.XXX . Michelangelo it is what you previously wrote.
And of course I lost connection to the device.

Allo has identified some errors in the current kernel, which will be fixed for next week… So we’re progressing…
Thanks for all the feedbacks!

Yes we are working and will have a fix as soon as possible…

Now for the good news. Sparky is outputting MCLK in the i2s . All our DACs have MCLK input but driver is not taking advantage of this capability

Yesterday our team changed the driver and tested with MCLK instead of BCLK inside registry of the DAC…and we did found that sound has improved.

still testing to be done…but we think this will upgrade allo DAC with only a software update.

Stay tuned.