"source/browse/action" issue on USB hard drive

My volumio 3 works on pi3b, 500gb hard drive containing music, organized in artist directories, then album subdirectories, then tracks/files in FLAC format, is connected thru USB.
Through volumio “browse” I can see list of artists, then list of albums, but for some artists, say Beatles, when i browse artists, i see a list of albums, and below, a list of tracks : ok. In the list of tracks i see ALL the tracks of ALL albums for the artist, but when i use the sandwich menu of an album to “Add (album) to queue”, popup message is displayed, but nothing happens. Because when i click on album to see tracks, list is empty with “No items”
I don’t understand why
I must say, that i have modified a lot of file tags through linux, volumio hard drive was MOUNTed while volumio was playing, using EasyTag, to modify Artist / Albumartist. I changed them from, say : ‘the Beatles / Beatles’ to ‘Beatles / the Beatles’ so that, in “Sources” i can change “Sort artists by” to “artist”.
Since this modification, problem exposed below apeared and i can’t fix it (i don’t know how). Not all Artist/albums are concerned.
I tried “update” , then “rescan”, have build a new SD Card, restarted from beginning to install and configure volumio, nothing works.
Version 3.378 did not fix my problem.
My question : does someone understand why ? is there somewhere a log of the volumio scan of my device ? Why are tracks visible, but not under an album ?
Thanks for help
found log tool! Here : http://logs.volumio.org/volumio/LXB1VTY.html
think there’s something line : Oct 28 07:02:20