Sorting - alphabetical order currently not respected

I browse my music collection in Volumio via Genres=>Artists=>Albums. While each of the Genres is sorted correctly in alphabetical order, the next level, Artists, appears randomly sorted.

It seems that the issue is in that Volumio reads parent folders and lists the artists/albums sequentially if they are not within the same parent folder.

E.g., say there’s a folder called Music; and within Music there are folders called Mp3 and Flac. Within folder Mp3 there are files whose artist/album/genre are Jackson/Thriller/Pop and Fleetwood Mac/Rumours/Pop, while in the folder Flac there are Jackson/Bad/Pop and Adele/25/Pop.

Browsing this list Genre would show first the list of albums:

and then followed by the list of artists:
Fleetwood Mac

with the apparent disorder due to Volumio disregarding the order of the overall / full list but appending (ordered) lists from sequentially read folders.

Much appreciated if this could be addressed!