Trying to install Sonarworks Reference plugin from
On x86 laptop via SSH I created plugin from Volumio tutorial.
Downloaded, unzipped and put .so file in new plugin folder.
Then in same folder put in commands “volumio plugin install”
It does a whole lot of fancy things then says finalizing installation.
I reboot, go into Plugins on web interface. Yes. It’s there. Go to settings. It says “Example Plugin Configuration”
What step did I miss?
Seriously, people here have no idea what you have actually done. I think you are being unrealistic in asking “What step did I miss?.”
You would need to set out in detail your plugin structure, perhaps on Github as it is a more appropriate place than a forum.
Hello nonsyncro,
Did you manage to get this working? A sonarworks plugin for volumio would allow me to make my setup much simpler. Thanks
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No I didn’t. I’m now using the equalizer to plug in my headphone settings according to AutoEq/results at master · jaakkopasanen/AutoEq · GitHub
It sounds pretty damn good.