Some issues and a question


  • Easy setup

  • Very clear and detailed sound

  • Excellent Graphical User Interface


  • Adding songs to playlist works ONLY for mp3’s and not for other extensions

  • After a fresh installation, songs added to the playlist are not seen in the playlist until the next boot

  • The playlist is out of sync with the reality, casing the player to crash
    The only solution is rebooting the system

  • You cannot browse on ARTISTS and SONGS

  • The browser is not working on iPad because the moving icons are not seen
    also the shift area (schuifbalk) on the right is not seen

  • The playback timer is not syncing with the real player
    It happens, that the player is not working while the timer continues


  • Is there a way to restart MPD from the command line when the player apeears to hang ?? That would save a lot of restarts to get the player

!! Keep going gents, I respect your initiative !!

Thank you for your feedbacks, if Volumio is what it is I must thank all the feedbacks I got…

To restart mpd if it hangs just do

sudo /etc/init.d/mpd restart