updating the mpd dtabase seems to be taking for ages. I noticed an earlier post about turning the ffmpeg plugin off in mpd.conf, but this doesn’t seem to help. The mpd.log file does show errors:
Repeated lines of the form:
Oct 31 13:29 : client: [373] closed
Oct 31 13:29 : client: [374] opened from
Oct 31 13:29 : client: [374] closed
Oct 31 13:29 : client: [375] opened from
Oct 31 13:29 : client: [375] closed
Oct 31 13:29 : client: [376] opened from
and then:
error: Giving up searching valid MPEG header after 65536 bytes of junk.
which sounds like mpd not liking certain file info. Can mpd be told to switch off this behaviour or is there another solution?