[SOLVED] VirtualBox & Debian


I’m French.
Here is my configuration : VirtualBox 5.2.18 , Debian 9.5 and Windows 10Pro.
I test Volumio under debian before buying a raspberry pi 3B +.

For my installation, i’ve taked this help : github.com/volumio/Build/wiki

It’s hard but I’ve completed this :wink:

Volumio is On : I’ve the screen configuration (in 6 steps)

But mouse is Off and also keyboard too :exclamation: :smiling_imp:
Under debian the mouse is active and the keyboard too !

If you have a solution, help me, please :question:

To test, I suggest you:
Download the x86 image write an usb key and boot your computer with it.
Convert the same image for virtual box using

VBoxManage convertdd input.img output.vdi and boot virtual box with it.

Hello balbuze

Thank you for your help.
I try this tomorrow and i reply here.


I try this

Image is here : :arrow_right: Volumio Audiophile Music Player for PC (X86/X64) VERSION: 2.411

My USB Key is 8Go

I take Win32DiskManager for install image.

I boot.

I’ve the beautiful logo Volumio and the log (log : root, password: volumio) and nothing, no volumio.
What else :smiling_imp:


Volumio run :smiley: :smiley: Yes :exclamation:

Good !
But the first solution should have work.
Don’t forget Volumio is designed to run headless. You don’t have to log in it using a keyboard. Use another device (computer, smartphone) to connect to it.
Please have a look here : https://volumio.github.io/docs/User_Manual/Quick_Start_Guide.html