[Solved] shutdown/ reboot not possible

Strange behavior after first boot of Volumio 1.5 (Raspberry B+, Hifiberry DAC+):

Neither shutdown nor reboot possible with GUI.

Maybe it is connected with this:
The Raspi was very busy, although I did nothing. It looked like this:

  PID USER      PR  NI  VIRT  RES  SHR S  %CPU %MEM    TIME+  COMMAND           
 2996 www-data  20   0 32244 6092 3772 S  21.2  1.2   9:05.18 php5-fpm          
 2576 www-data  20   0 32232 6316 3980 R  20.9  1.3   9:12.92 php5-fpm          
 2987 www-data  20   0 32240 5788 3456 S  20.5  1.2   9:10.28 php5-fpm          
 2369 root      20   0 10272 1944  980 S   5.5  0.4   2:29.39 nginx             
 2018 mpd       20   0  121m  11m 4324 S   2.9  2.4   1:25.65 mpd               
 4084 volumio   20   0  4760 1392 1028 R   1.3  0.3   0:00.52 top     

After some time those php5-fpm were gone. After some time it started again: 3x php5-fpm

After I logged in as root via ssh and did shutdown -r
shutdown / reboot via GUI works and those php5-fpm didn’t show up again so far.

I had exactly the same issue with mine.

Volumio runs on php code, so the activity you see is just normal. On first boot it prepares the environment, and while playing it ensures everything is fine…