I read your notes about needing Volumio V1.41Pi for the Pi B+.
Unfortunately IT fails to boot for me, I have tried several times with different usd cards.
Firstly the eth0 port is not seen and is ignored.
Secondly , the old error about the governor switch comes up and after some time, the console prompt appears but the console is unresponsive.
So I am stuck, no ethernet == no web GUI, no console == no CLI
Please can you tell me how to get around this?
BTW Raspbian loads and runs well, so the PiB+ appears OK as does the usd card.
EDIT 19-OCT-2014
Volumio V1.41PI is definitely FUBA’d
I put my micro sd card into an SD card adaptor and booted up the V1.41PI image in an OLD model B it found eth0 OK.
Performed apt-get update and apt-get install binutils and rpi-update as stated in Volumio Blog August 6th
Put the microsd card back in model B+ , now boots up and finds eth0
I have got a web ui HOORAY!!
NOTE Have yet to test Pi-DAC+