[Solved] Raspberry Pi - BubbleUpnP - Audio Cast

My goal is to stream Spotify to my Volumio via BubbleUpnP (Android Tablet) using its function “audio cast”.

What does work:

  • using the Raspberry Pi using OpenELEC 4.2 as an UpnP renderer to stream Spotifiy (which is cool, but not perfect since I also want MPD to stream radio)
  • I can connect to Volumio via BubbleUpnP and stream MP3

What does not work:

  • The difference with Volumio using audio cast with OpenELEC as a renderer is the fact that the 20 minutes free time doesn’t even start to count so nothing comes out of the speakers connected to the raspi

Has anyone accomplished my goal? Maybe another way? Does anyone how to get it right with audio cast and Volumio?

I believe AirAudio and AllStream android apps will do the job. However, they need the device to be rooted (hacked) so I have never tried them.

I guess that as you have tried Audio Cast (which requires Xposed framework on a rooted device) that your Tablet is rooted; so give them a go.

Thanks so much for your reply! I tried Allstream and works very well. Just as I expected.