I tried to upgrade my Primo to 3.x, but afterwards it still showed 2.9.x.x and was reset to defaults. I went through the config again, set up my wireless and disabled the hotspot. Now I can’t get into it at all and using the factory_reset file on a fat32 thumb drive isn’t working. I’ve tried this step maybe 5-6 times, but the hotspot never pops back up. Worse, it doesn’t seem to pull a DHCP address for the ethernet port, so I can’t get into it there either. I’d try support, but I never get answers from them, just surveys asking how they did not responding to my question.
Please try below, where you are able to generate a support ticket.
Quoting myself: I’d try support, but I never get answers from them, just surveys asking how they did not responding to my question.
Have you e-mailed their support or created a support ticket via the above link? - if you create a ticket it can be tracked.
This issue is “resolved” in that I went by the distributor and he swapped out the unit. Now I’ve got a whole new set of issues along with the original issue regarding blue tooth streaming. I want to like this thing, but it’s difficult.