[SOLVED] No volume control since 2.657

Since upgrading to 2.657 I have no ability to control volume. Posted the following on another thread on 10/22/19 (#p68205), below. michelangelo, you replied same day saying you were able to reproduce and would have a fix soon. Have you had any luck? Seems several others are having the same issue.

Today I upgraded to 2.668 and have same issue, same output in volumio.log and aplay -l. I can hear sound when playing web radio, but no audible sound from Spotify. Volume is fixed/non-adjustable for web radio. If I choose “Software” or “None” for the mixer I get no sound at all. When defaulting to “Undefined” I can at least get fixed sound for web radio, as mentioned.

Sorry to be so verbose. Just hoping some of this may help bring a solution.


========= post from 10/22/10 ===========
"I also have the same problem after update to 2.657. I have Rpi3 with USB AudioQuest Dragonfly. Really don’t want to do a factory reset. Doesn’t help to use software defined mixer either. Volume is fixed and not adjustable. Any ideas?

volumio.log shows the following when attempting to adjust volume:

2019-10-22T20:48:31.722Z - error: Cannot set ALSA Volume: Error: Alsa Mixer Error: ALSA lib conf.c:3523:(snd_config_hooks_call) Cannot open shared library libasound_module_conf_pulse.so
ALSA lib control.c:1373:(snd_ctl_open_noupdate) Invalid CTL hw:5
amixer: Mixer attach hw:5 error: No such file or directory

Here’s a little more info:

volumio@volumio-2:/var/log$ aplay -l
**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
ALSA lib conf.c:3523:(snd_config_hooks_call) Cannot open shared library libasound_module_conf_pulse.so
ALSA lib control.c:1373:(snd_ctl_open_noupdate) Invalid CTL hw:0
aplay: device_list:277: control open (0): No such file or directory
card 5: DragonFly [AudioQuest DragonFly], device 0: USB Audio [USB Audio]
Subdevices: 0/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0"

Screen Shot 2019-11-14 at 3.08.30 PM.png

Screen Shot 2019-11-14 at 3.08.57 PM.png

Resolved using post from another thread below. Thanks to ingohz!

Hello, I have the same problem since I updated the Volumio version to 2.668
However, since I am not really knowledgeable with programming and coding, can you please advise how to mitigate this issue without going into programming the code/software? Is reset to factory settings the only option?
Are there any simple guidelines how to deal with audio programming?

Thank you

Take a look at the docs on how to open up a terminal session and once you are in, you can run the above mention command to install this update package.

Else, you can enable “dev” mode via <VOLUMIOIP>/DEV or volumio.local/DEV to enable Test builds that should let you update to a newer build that should have the right version of the library…