I have been using different software and am used to running separate instances on the same network. E. g. bedroom, bath, living room. I set up two instances, each with its own pi and DAC in two rooms. Each instance as a separate static IP. If I boot both only one shows up on the network but if one is on and the other is off I can see the one that’s on at its IP. It appears that when both are on, the one that’s visible on the network wants to control the other. I want to have each instance be visible on the network and operate independently from any other instances. There are times when I want to have more than one instance running and be controlled separately. What I want is like having two toasters or two lamps in different rooms. Am I doing something wrong in the configuration or is Volumio designed to have one master unit and the rest slaves?
Ignore. I had a typo in the IP address, a comma instead of a period. It defaulted to the DHCP assigned address. Things are better now.