Strange fact:
when i manual ad a belgium pls radio to the webradio-sublist, the radio apears on the list, but can’t play.
This is the setup of the PLS, made in wordpath, saved with ANSI code:
[playlist]numberofentries=1File1= BrusselLength1=-1Version=2
But when i put this line over a working pls-file stock-add by volumio, it plays!
What is wrong with my code?
An PLS file should use multiple lines
Title1=Studio BrusselLength1=-1Version=2
got a problem with new stations as well.
German radio stations - very professional - since well endowed - commonly use m3u-links, so a playlist as well, which may cause the problem themselves.
this works (private station):
file “antenne.m3u” on volumio
content: “”
playbackview: “path: livestream.mp3”
This does not
The reference is “abbreviated” in volumio.
playlist view “wdr5.m3u path :”
If you “resolve” the link in your web browser first … (namely to)
(this works fine in vlc on my notebook)
putting this link into the m3u-file does not work either.
So, please help! Thanks.
By the way, if you want to work on webradio stations yourselves:
Log in to volumio by ssh, then
- cd /var/lib/mpd/music/WEBRADIO
- and change, add or delete files as required.
most usefull to find links:
or German public radio
You use a playlist to load a playlist to load songs into a playlist.
Volumio reads a playlist to load songs into a playlist.
What happens here is that Volumio “only” opens one playlist and then tracks, not a playlist and than a playlist and then tracks.
(to me this sounds like doomed to fail)
Any way, what you should do is right click your link and save to file / save link as. save this into the webradio folder on volumio. Open the file with notepad, add a blank line after the url and it will work.
Use explorer, go to \volumio.local open the folder WebRadio.
Dont forget to update the folder in the browse view in volumio.
Lenght and Version should also be on a new line.
Dear MobyDuck,
thanks for your immediate replay first!
I guess (not sure anyway), I know what you meant by:
“Any way, what you should do is right click your link and save to file / save link as. save this into the webradio folder on volumio. Open the file with notepad, add a blank line after the url and it will work.”
I 'm not sure what you recommend “…and save to file / save link as. save this in…”.
I tried two ways.
- “” + new line into one new.m3u file
- resolve that in my browser, copy the link (long URL which ends in “mp3”) + new line again to a new.m3u file.
Can you help again?
Best regards, Wolfgang
I noted in my request:
“If you “resolve” the link in your web browser first … (namely to)
That is what you get
Hold your mouse above the .m3u url
Press the right mouse button (2nd mouse button for the lefties)
In the pull-down menu click save to file / save link as (different browsers use different names for this action)

Then you’ll be asked to save the file to a location

Save the file.
Open the file, if it only has one line (for me it did) add a blank line. Basically press enter after the url.
Then you’ll get
The blank line is needed because it doesn’t work without. It probably has something to do with formation and line endings in windows and Linux.
If you open the url in the code box the stream should start.
Why do i make it more complicated by telling you how to do it? Because you might encounter other radio streams that work the same and then you can do it yourself 
That`s fine! Thanks to MobeYDuck again (sorry for not recognising the e)…
My problem was trying to use the URL instead of the right-mouseclick download file. You have to do a right mouse on the link itself (which takes you to the URL) and save as MobeyDuck mentioned. I’ll never get beyond using command lines, however 
For others trying to do that as well. Copy the line in the download file into a standard .pls file. E.g. just open one of the file in the WEBRADIO directory remove the text behind the the line behind File1= and add your copied string here (right mouse click common with most UNIX editors). Now save the file with the station name you want to appear in volumio.
Final minor issue: Your freshly added favourite station appears, after updating, at the bottom of the list (last in, last out?). You will have to scroll probably. Since the order in which stations are displayed seems to depend on the creation date you might try to “touch” the files on top of the pile. Unfortunately that moves the top file somewhere to the middle on my pi. mmh.
However, dont forget to refresh the Volumio browser view by “update this folder in the browser view”.
We’ll yea… About the right clicking, this is done on windows, i bet it also works in osx and gui Linux. There you just download the file you need. And move or copy it over the samba share.
About the sorting, i believe that this already is in a todo list for a future version.