SOLVED - Lost access to TIDAL Hi-Res FLAC catalogue - everything is available only in 44.1kHz / 16bit through native UI


This post is to report that using Tidal through the Volumio UI seems to have lost access to the streaming service’s hi-res FLAC catalogue. Only CD-Quality 44.1kHz / 16bit albums are available at the moment, where even earlier today up to 192kHz / 24bit versions of the same title existed.

Hi-Res is still available through Tidal Connect, though. Tested on 2 different RPi4 systems. @Marco_Melziade has the team detected this?

As an update, this seems to be a Volumio-specific issue.

I’ve tested using other systems / platforms to access Tidal through their own UI, and they work with correct results, with albums available in all their hi-res FLAC versions with no issues. And this is without using Tidal Connect - which also works.

Please help. @volumio

Update 2:

While browsing the forum for solutions I came across another thread reporting similar behaviour (see here: myVolumio only plays Tidal at 44.1 KHz - MyVolumio - Volumio Community )

As per @wheaten’s and the community’s suggestion, I changed Tidal’s Sound Quality settings from highest possible to hi-res under Sources / Tidal / Sound Quality, and that seemed allow for Hi-Res playback again. Problem solved.

Now my question is: why did this get triggered randomly on my system? I had been able to listen to hi-res from Tidal before, even earlier today, using “Highest Possible” as the audio quality setting. Any ideas as to what could be at fault?


we will provide to solve this little bug asap
thank you for reporting


Hi, we are investigating.

Can you please provide a way to replicate your issue (example: browse by album, play the name of album, see the resolution). Thanks


Sure. For example, Tool’s Fear Inoculum album is available in Tidal’s Max quality at 92kHz / 24bit.

This used to play at that sampling rate when my systems were on the “Highest Possible” setting under Sources/Tidal/Sound Quality. It is only available now if I switch the setting to Hi-Res, as “Highest Possible” renders it in 44.1kHz / 16bit.

Another example is Steely Dan’s Aja. It has 3 source versions visible through the native UI: one in 44.1kHz / 16bit; one in 96kHz / 24bit; and one in 192kHz / 24bit. When the “Highest Possible” setting is set, all 3 album versions play at 44.1/16. Only using Hi-Res now allows playback at their true resolution.

I’m running system ver. 3.742. Hope this helps.

Sajnos továbbra se stabil a Tidál 24 bit lejátszás.
A számos egyéb problémákról nem is beszélve.
Egy fizetős szolgáltatástól elvárható lenne a sokkal stabilabb működés,és a hardveres környezet nagyobb támogatása.

[Wheaten, Translated with Google]
Unfortunately, Tidal 24 bit playback is still not stable.
Not to mention the many other problems.
A paid service would be expected to have much more stable operation and greater support for the hardware environment.

Please in English. TY

I was going to swap back to Qobuz due to quality issues. Seems the way is to use Tidal Connect and Not the Tidal plugin for the Volumio app. Could only get CD quality from that, now getting 192 24 bit from Connect.

Hello all,

Hi-res Tidal playback from the native Volumio UI (headless browser or Volumio app access) is working properly. For example:

Please make sure the Tidal section under Sources is set to Hi-Res:

Anything other will max out at CD quality 44.1kHz / 16bit.

Hope this helps.