[Solved] jQuery countdown plugin 1.6.2 bug in Safari


First of all I wanted to say that Volumio is an amazing project, and take the opportunity to thanks all the contributors for their great work !
I’m enjoying the v 1.5 with a RPI B+ and a Hifiberry DAC +, everything works fine and the sound quality is stunning, even with low bit rates internet radios.

I’ve noticed that with Sarafi (and related iPhone and iPad), the numerical value of the time spent for the current track is not updating.
Safari’s console shows : [Error] ReferenceError: Can’t find variable: performance timerCallBack (jquery.countdown.js, line 59)
It’s a know bug for the 1.6.2 version of the jQuery countdown plugin used for the countdown knob, a bug which is fixed in the 1.6.3 version : jira.kuali.org/browse/KULRICE-11288
But simply replacing the jquery.countdown.js and jquery.countdown-it.js with their 1.6.3 version doesn’t work.
Any clue about custom code updates to make it work ?

Grazzie mille !
Nyon, Switzerland

Did you try to clear your browser’s cache after replacing the lib?

Hi Jotak the magic maker :slight_smile:

Thanks for the kick reply.
I figure it out, for the 1.6.3 version of the jQuery countdown plugin, an additional provided JS file jquery.plugin.min.js is required in the _footer.php

Now everything works fine with Safari desktop/iPhone/iPad.

Thanks for your support and your great work.
Ou plutôt merci Jotak :wink:

So, do we need to add it?