SOLVED - Help with 1.5TB Micro SD card

Fresh install of Volumio 3.569-2023-10-20 onto RPi 4

I am looking to put a pile of music onto the micro sd card as a standalone player.

I have done this in the past with a 1TB Micro SD card; I now have a 1.5TB SanDisk Micro SD Card for this purpose.

After flashing and initialization\first boot, it drops me into ‘emergency mode’.

I see ‘mounting /dev/mmcblk0p3 on /mnt/ext failed: structure needs cleaning’.

I ran it through gparted, "e2fsck -f -y -v -C 0 ‘/dev/sda3’ " and it fails with:

resize2fs: New size results in too many block group descriptors.

Any suggestions?
UPDATE- resolved the issue running the following command (using 4K blocks):
mke2fs /dev/sda3 -t ext4 -T default -b 4k