Solved: Empty web UI on 2.344 (many browsers)

After updating, I cannot open the web UI in many browsers; e.g., firefox and chrome on linux fc27, explorer on a windows phone.

It does work on my chrome on android.

On all browsers, I can open the /dev version of the url.


I have to correct this issue as solved :blush:

It was my own fault: I had forgotten that I had modified the HTML title in the index.html file at


Apparently this causes trouble - replacing it by the old index.html (using git checkout) resolved my issues.

If you rewrite manually some volumio files, you will have for sure problems with OTA updates.
I suggest you to factory reset your volumio to avoid future troubles.

If you did overwrite your index.html for GA, take a look at this :wink:

I am curious why you would do that!