[Solved] Does volumio overwrite /etc/network/interfaces?

I use a Raspberry Pi2, a Hifiberry DAC+ and a WLAN Tongle to play music and as WLAN access point (bridged with my standard gateway/router).

Works fine - except if I the power is turned off incidently. Then the WLAN (wlan0) and bridge (br0) interfaces do not come up automatically. I have the suspicion that volumio overwrites /etc/network/interfaces upon some event/trigger.

Does anyone know more about that? I am looking for a way to preserve my /etc/network/interfaces settings also upon shutdown and reboot.

should be only done when you save something on the network settings.

I think network settings might be overwritten even if they are not changed intentatively - e.g. by changing and saving other settings via the Setup menu.

How ever - I can live with it as this fine peace of software is stable and does not need to be rebooted too often.

Great work!


Mine was overwritten and I’ve never submitted the network settings form.

Returning to the original question (not answered): When is it overwritten and how do I stop it?

I am suddenly getting this problem after using 1.55 since it came out. I am not aware of having changed any settings (although I did write the image to a new card about 10 days before I started seeing the behaviour).

I really would prefer to have a static IP address, and this appears to be very strange behaviour. Is the use of the interfaces file the only way of fixing the IP address?

Original config file:


auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

auto wlan0
iface wlan0 inet static
wpa-ssid “"
wpa-psk "

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp[/code]

Changed config file


auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

auto wlan0
iface wlan0 inet dhcp
wireless-power off
wpa-ssid ******
wpa-psk ******[/code]