I have a raspberry pi B and I have installed volumio version 2.141 on the SD card
For the moment I have no DAC connected
I connected a cross cable between the PC (Win7 with installed Bonjour) and the rasperry.
I can not connect to the volumio user interface by typing volume.local /.
I do not have the ability to connect with the HDMY cable
How can I do?
You don’t need to do that, and it will never work since there no mdns dispatcher.
Instead, simple and effective: just connect to the hotspot called Volumio (if you have a wireless dongle plugged). Pw is volumio2
First of all, thanks for the prompt answer
I was afraid I could not do it.
Unfortunately I do not have a wireless dongle with me
I’m doing spa treatments away from home and I brought the raspberry to play a while when I discovered volumio…
I solved.
I made a wireless dongle and I joined.
Then I put a fixed IP address for the wired network
Finally I connected with the cross cable to the UI using the ip address and it works
It also works with a normal non-cross cable
Thanks again