Observed this issue with Youtube Music and native Web Radios (Volumio Selection).
When a new stream has been selected, a strong pop/click noise is generated in the beginning of the track. This noise is harmful for the speaker set as it is full amplitude for a short time. Usually two consecutive crackles in a interval of 100ms.
My setup: Pi 3b+ and Suptronics X400 (based on ES9018 chipset).
Network cable connected to the router, 100MB/s.
I2S device selection as Generic or R-PI DAC were able to drive my DAC just fine in Volumio 2.917 without any noise when switching streams.
The issue is happening with versions 3.499 and 3.569 as I experimented, both from fresh SD card installation.
Looking for any guidance please. Is that an issue with Software mixer? Or streaming services (local webradios, including the ones from Volumio Selection) are affected. There is no noise issue when playing local files.
PS: I know there are similar issues reported before here in the community regarding pop/crackles with different DAC devices, so I do not believe is something DAC specific. And none of them have solutions yet, unfortunatelly.
After further investigation, I realized there should be something related to MPD , or ALSA, or DAC drivers. There are multiple posts in the web from the last few years reporting the same issue, but still an unknown reason.
By the way, tested with Volumio 3.611 which claims to come with updated version of MPD but problem persists.
opened 02:21AM - 27 Mar 20 UTC
## Bug report
### Describe the bug
Im getting an intermittent glitch between… tracks, but only with software volume enabled.
## Expected Behavior
no glitches between tracks, no difference between software volume and disabled.
## Actual Behavior
Im using moOde v6.4.2 on a rPi3b+1G with Digi+ Pro hat. SPDIF into my DAC. Audio device type is set to i2S and software volume. When clicking tracks in the playlist to play them, one time out of 5, I will get a short, loud digital click (tick or snap sound) glitch right before the track audio. I can also get the glitch when stopping playback of files or streams. I dont know if its relevant but Ive noticed the glitch is typically only on the left or right channel. ie I hear it hard in the left speaker or right speaker.
If I disable software volume control, the issue goes away, no more glitches ever. However I require software volume as the SPDIF goes direct to my speakers.
## Version
pi@moode-spdif:~ $ mdp --version
-bash: mdp: command not found
pi@moode-spdif:~ $ mpd --version
Music Player Daemon 0.21.16 (0.21.16)
Copyright 2003-2007 Warren Dukes <warren.dukes@gmail.com>
Copyright 2008-2018 Max Kellermann <max.kellermann@gmail.com>
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
Database plugins:
simple proxy
Storage plugins:
Decoders plugins:
[mad] mp3 mp2
[mpg123] mp3
[vorbis] ogg oga
[oggflac] ogg oga
[flac] flac
[dsdiff] dff
[dsf] dsf
[hybrid_dsd] m4a
[faad] aac
[wavpack] wv
[ffmpeg] 16sv 3g2 3gp 4xm 8svx aa3 aac ac3 adx afc aif aifc aiff al alaw amr anim apc ape asf atrac au aud avi avm2 avs bap bfi c93 cak cin cmv cpk daud dct divx dts dv dvd dxa eac3 film flac flc fli fll flx flv g726 gsm gxf iss m1v m2v m2t m2ts m4a m4b m4v mad mj2 mjpeg mjpg mka mkv mlp mm mmf mov mp+ mp1 mp2 mp3 mp4 mpc mpeg mpg mpga mpp mpu mve mvi mxf nc nsv nut nuv oga ogm ogv ogx oma ogg omg opus psp pva qcp qt r3d ra ram rl2 rm rmvb roq rpl rvc shn smk snd sol son spx str swf tak tgi tgq tgv thp ts tsp tta xa xvid uv uv2 vb vid vob voc vp6 vmd wav webm wma wmv wsaud wsvga wv wve
Tag plugins:
Output plugins:
shout null fifo pipe alsa httpd recorder
Encoder plugins:
null vorbis lame wave flac
Archive plugins:
[bz2] bz2
[zzip] zip
[iso] iso
Input plugins:
file archive alsa tidal qobuz curl ffmpeg cdio_paranoia
Playlist plugins:
extm3u m3u pls soundcloud flac cue embcue
file:// alsa:// tidal:// qobuz:// http:// https:// gopher:// rtp:// rtsp:// rtmp:// rtmpt:// rtmps:// cdda://
Other features:
avahi epoll icu inotify systemd tcp un
## Log
pi@moode-spdif:~ $ tail -f /var/log/mpd/log
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [89] opened from
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [89] process command "status"
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [89] command returned 0
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [89] process command "currentsong"
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [89] command returned 0
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [89] process command "close"
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [89] command returned 3
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [89] closed
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [90] opened from
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [90] process command "lsinfo"
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [90] command returned 0
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [90] process command "close"
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [90] command returned 3
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [90] closed
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [91] opened from
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [91] process command "lsinfo "RADIO""
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [91] command returned 0
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [91] process command "close"
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [91] command returned 3
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [91] closed
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [92] opened from
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [92] process command "close"
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [92] command returned 3
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [92] closed
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [93] opened from
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [93] process command "playlistinfo"
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [93] command returned 0
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [93] process command "close"
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [93] command returned 3
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [93] closed
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [94] opened from
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [94] process command "status"
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [94] command returned 0
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [94] process command "idle"
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [94] command returned 1
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [95] opened from
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [95] process command "play 4"
Mar 26 18:59 : playlist: play 4:"NAS/myMusicNAS/Rush [HDTracks 24-96 FLAC]/1984 - Grace Under Pressure [HDTracks 24-96 FLAC]/01-Distant Early Warning.flac"
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [95] command returned 0
Mar 26 18:59 : playlist: queue song 5:"NAS/myMusicNAS/Simple Minds - Essential Discography/1984 - Simple Minds - Sparkle in the Rain/01 Up on the Catwalk.mp3"
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [95] process command "close"
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [95] command returned 3
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [95] closed
Mar 26 18:59 : decoder_thread: probing plugin flac
Mar 26 18:59 : decoder: audio_format=96000:24:2, seekable=true
Mar 26 18:59 : alsa_output: opened hw:0,0 type=HW
Mar 26 18:59 : alsa_output: buffer: size=64..65536 time=666..682667
Mar 26 18:59 : alsa_output: period: size=32..32768 time=333..341334
Mar 26 18:59 : alsa_output: default period_time = buffer_time/4 = 500000/4 = 125000
Mar 26 18:59 : alsa_output: format=S24_LE (Signed 24 bit Little Endian)
Mar 26 18:59 : alsa_output: buffer_size=48000 period_size=12000
Mar 26 18:59 : output: opened "ALSA default" (alsa) audio_format=96000:24:2
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [94] process command "status"
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [94] command returned 0
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [82] process command "status"
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [82] command returned 0
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [86] process command "status"
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [86] command returned 0
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [84] process command "status"
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [84] command returned 0
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [88] process command "status"
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [88] command returned 0
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [82] process command "currentsong"
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [82] command returned 0
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [94] process command "currentsong"
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [94] command returned 0
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [84] process command "currentsong"
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [84] command returned 0
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [86] process command "currentsong"
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [86] command returned 0
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [88] process command "currentsong"
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [88] command returned 0
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [88] process command "close"
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [88] command returned 3
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [88] closed
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [94] process command "close"
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [94] command returned 3
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [94] closed
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [82] process command "close"
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [82] command returned 3
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [82] closed
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [86] process command "close"
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [86] command returned 3
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [86] closed
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [84] process command "close"
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [84] command returned 3
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [84] closed
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [96] opened from
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [96] process command "status"
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [96] command returned 0
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [96] process command "idle"
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [96] command returned 1
Mar 26 18:59 : state_file: Saving state file /var/lib/mpd/state
<--- here I clicked on the same track to play it again, approx 1 time out of 5 this will cause the glitch, nothing different is logged when it glitches vs when it doesnt
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [97] opened from
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [97] process command "play 4"
Mar 26 18:59 : playlist: play 4:"NAS/myMusicNAS/Rush [HDTracks 24-96 FLAC]/1984 - Grace Under Pressure [HDTracks 24-96 FLAC]/01-Distant Early Warning.flac"
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [97] command returned 0
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [96] process command "status"
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [96] command returned 0
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [97] process command "close"
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [97] command returned 3
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [97] closed
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [96] process command "currentsong"
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [96] command returned 0
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [96] process command "close"
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [96] command returned 3
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [96] closed
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [98] opened from
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [98] process command "status"
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [98] command returned 0
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [98] process command "idle"
Mar 26 18:59 : client: [98] command returned 1
Mar 26 18:59 : state_file: Saving state file /var/lib/mpd/state
Heres my conf file.
pi@moode-spdif:~ $ cat /etc/mpd.conf
# This file is automatically generated
# by the MPD configuration page.
music_directory "/var/lib/mpd/music"
playlist_directory "/var/lib/mpd/playlists"
db_file "/var/lib/mpd/database"
log_file "/var/log/mpd/log"
pid_file "/var/run/mpd/pid"
state_file "/var/lib/mpd/state"
sticker_file "/var/lib/mpd/sticker.sql"
user "mpd"
group "audio"
bind_to_address "any"
port "6600"
#log_level "default"
log_level "verbose"
restore_paused "yes"
auto_update "no"
follow_outside_symlinks "yes"
follow_inside_symlinks "yes"
zeroconf_enabled "no"
zeroconf_name "Moode MPD"
filesystem_charset "UTF-8"
metadata_to_use "+comment"
audio_output_format "96000:24:2"
replaygain "off"
replaygain_preamp "0"
volume_normalization "no"
audio_buffer_size "4096"
max_output_buffer_size "131072"
max_connections "128"
decoder {
plugin "ffmpeg"
enabled "yes"
input {
plugin "curl"
resampler {
plugin "soxr"
quality "very high"
threads "1"
audio_output {
type "alsa"
name "ALSA default"
device "hw:0,0"
mixer_type "software"
dop "no"
Here is the moOde system info page
MPD Config
Audio device
Device type
I2S audio device
Volume control
The "Disabled" setting will result in 100% (0dB) volume output
DSD over PCM
SoX Resampling
Sample rate
24 bit / 96 kHz
Very high quality
Gain and Normalization
ReplayGain preamp
Volume normalization
Audio buffers
Audio buffer size (KB)
System Information
moOde release = 6.4.2 2020-02-12
Raspbian OS = 10.2
Linux kernel = 4.19.97-v7+ #1293
Platform = Pi-3B+ 1GB v1.3
Architecture = armv7l (32-bit)
System uptime = up 2 weeks, 5 days, 5 hours, 30 minutes
Timezone = America/Los_Angeles
Current time = 2020-03-26 19:08:55
Host name = moode-spdif
Ethernet address =
Ethernet MAC = redacted
WLAN address = unassigned
WLAN MAC = no adapter
WLAN country = US
SoC identifier = bcm2837
Core count = 4
Kernel timer freq = 100 Hz
SDCard freq = 50 MHz
USB boot = enabled
Warranty = OK
Root size = 6.9G
Root used = 39%
Root available = 4.0G
Root expand = expanded
Memory free = 52 MB
Memory used = 138 MB
SoC temperature = 53.7°C
CPU governor = ondemand
Onboard WiFi = Off
Onboard BT = Off
HDMI output = Off
Eth addr wait = On
Max USB current = Off
USB (UAC2) fix = Off
Pi-3B+ eth fix = Off
SSH term server = On
PHP-FPM version = 7.3.11
NGINX version = 1.14.2
SQLite3 version = 3.27.2
Hostapd version = 2.8-devel
WiringPi version = 2.50
RPi.GPIO version = 0.7.0
Audio device = HiFiBerry Digi+ Pro
Interface = I2S
Mixer name = Digital
Hardware volume = None
Max ALSA volume = 100
Audio source = Local
Output device = Local
Resume MPD = No
Volume knob = 1
Volume mute = Unmuted
Saved MPD vol = 0
Preamp volume = 0
ALSA version = 1.1.8-1+rpt1
SoX version = 0.1.2-3
Version = 0.21.16
Volume control = software
ALSA device = hw:0
SoX resampling = 96000:24:2
SoX quality = very high
SoX multithreading = off
DSD over PCM (DoP) = no
Replaygain = off
Replaygain preamp = 0
Volume normalization = No
Audio buffer = 4096 (kb)
Output buffer size = 131072 (kb)
20200307 113323 worker: -- Start
20200307 113323 worker: Successfully daemonized
20200307 113323 worker: Integrity check (passed)
20200307 113323 worker: Session loaded
20200307 113323 worker: Debug logging (on)
20200307 113323 worker: Device raw: (0:sndrpihifiberry|1:empty|i2s:HiFiBerry Digi+ Pro)
20200307 113323 worker: Device cfg: (HiFiBerry Digi+ Pro|0|0|Digital|none)
20200307 113323 worker: ALSA volume (None)
20200307 113324 worker: -- System
20200307 113327 worker: Host name (moode-spdif)
20200307 113328 worker: moOde release (6.4.2 2020-02-12)
20200307 113328 worker: Raspbian OS (10.2)
20200307 113328 worker: Linux kernel (4.19.97-v7+ #1293)
20200307 113328 worker: Platform (Pi-3B+ 1GB v1.3)
20200307 113328 worker: Architecture (armv7l)
20200307 113328 worker: MPD version (0.21.16)
20200307 113328 worker: CPU governor (ondemand)
20200307 113328 worker: USB boot enabled
20200307 113328 worker: File system expanded
20200307 113328 worker: HDMI port off
20200307 113328 worker: File check (OK)
20200307 113328 worker: -- Network
20200307 113328 worker: eth0 exists
20200307 113329 worker: IP addr (
20200307 113329 worker: Netmask (
20200307 113329 worker: Gateway (
20200307 113329 worker: Pri DNS (
20200307 113329 worker: Domain (None)
20200307 113329 worker: wlan0 does not exist
20200307 113329 worker: -- Audio
20200307 113329 worker: ALSA outputs unmuted
20200307 113329 worker: ALSA card number (0)
20200307 113329 worker: Audio output (I2S audio device)
20200307 113329 worker: Audio device (HiFiBerry Digi+ Pro)
20200307 113329 worker: Audio formats (S16_LE, S24_LE)
20200307 113329 worker: ALSA mixer name (Digital)
20200307 113329 worker: MPD volume control (software)
20200307 113329 worker: Hdwr volume controller not detected
20200307 113329 worker: -- Services
20200307 113329 worker: Reset renderer active state
20200307 113330 worker: MPD conf updated
20200307 113334 worker: MPD started
20200307 113334 openMpdSocket(): connection failed (1)
20200307 113334 openMpdSocket(): errorno: 111, Connection refused
20200307 113335 worker: MPD accepting connections
20200307 113335 worker: Configure MPD outputs
20200307 113335 worker: MPD output 1 ALSA default (on)
20200307 113335 worker: MPD output 2 ALSA crossfeed (off)
20200307 113335 worker: MPD output 3 ALSA parametric eq (off)
20200307 113335 worker: MPD output 4 ALSA graphic eq (off)
20200307 113335 worker: MPD output 5 ALSA polarity inversion (off)
20200307 113335 worker: MPD output 6 ALSA bluetooth (off)
20200307 113335 worker: MPD output 7 HTTP stream (off)
20200307 113335 worker: MPD crossfade (off)
20200307 113335 worker: Audio source (Local)
20200307 113335 worker: Output device (Local)
20200307 113335 worker: Shellinabox SSH started
20200307 113335 worker: USB auto-mounter (udisks-glue)
20200307 113335 worker: -- Music sources
20200307 113335 worker: USB sources (none attached)
20200307 113336 sourceMount(): result=()
20200307 113336 worker: NAS and UPnP sources (mountall initiated)
20200307 113336 worker: -- Miscellaneous
20200307 113336 worker: Saved MPD vol level (0)
20200307 113336 worker: Preamp volume level (0)
20200307 113336 worker: MPD volume level (5) restored
20200307 113336 worker: ALSA volume level (None)
20200307 113336 worker: Auto-play (Off)
20200307 113336 worker: Auto-shuffle service (Off)
20200307 113336 worker: Maintenance interval (3 hrs)
20200307 113336 worker: Screen saver activation (Never)
20200307 113336 worker: Session permissions (OK)
20200307 113336 worker: Watchdog started
20200307 113336 worker: Ready
February 4, 2024, 3:08pm
on the contrary, it’s something very DAC specific, most probably the way your DAC handles the transition from one sample-frequency to another
I get no pop at all using the very same I2S driver “RPI-DAC” wiht a PCM5102
February 5, 2024, 10:25am
Hello Darmur, thanks for sharing your case. My setup also works perfectly with Volumio 2.917 with not presenting any sound issue. So I think something has changed under the hood on 3.x versions…
February 15, 2025, 12:39am
Hey fellows. After a long wait and testing every release of Volumio OS, the release 3.785 is finnaly working as it should.
There must have been something with the blend of libraries used on previous builds.
But no more clicks and pops with version 3.785.
Best regards.
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